'He is older than you think.  I will explain later, ok?  Just hang out with him and learn from him.  He is smart and really fun.' Mateo says back in my mind.

"Um, yeah, I think it will be fun to hang out with you, Roberto.  Thank you." I say in a quiet voice.

"So since she is the white wolf, do you know what this means for her?" a voice says from behind me.

"I know the myths, Blake, and will be looking into it further.  Maybe you could help me with that.  Cici, this is Blake, our Omega.  Blake this is Cici, my mate." Mateo says pointedly.

Blake kneels next to me, takes my hand in his and dramatically kisses my knuckles, lingering a little too long for comfort.  I pull my hand away, barely resisting the urge to wipe it on my pants leg.  I smile politely at him and look away, trying to move along the introductions.

Joel and a few of others bark with laughter but Mateo just growls quietly.  I don't think anyone else hears it above the laughter.

"I don't think she is going to fall victim to your charm, Blake.  Finally, a female who can resist you." Joel laughs again, harder this time.

"That's alright, she just needs time.  My lady, your wish is my command.  If ever there is anything you need, please feel free to just ask." Blake says, moving to stand behind me again.

Mateo decides enough time has been focused on Blake and introduces me to everyone else.  As he says each of their names, they duck their head and smile.  "Next to Blake are Geraldo and Gerardo, the twins.  I will let you figure out on your own how to tell them apart, as I never have been able to.  In the corner beside them is Alejo, or Alejandro.  He is quite shy, so do not worry if it takes awhile for him to speak to you.  Antonio is standing behind Alejo and is the mechanic of our pack.  If anything needs fixed, he is your man.  Next to the couch is Oscar.  Oscar can't hear very well so it is best to speak to him through the mind link.  Nicolas is standing behind him and is also our pack doctor.  Sitting on the coffee table is Ricardo, or Ritchie.  He is the clown of the pack.  Sitting on the sofa with Roberto and Joel is Roger.  He is our unofficial cook and can make magic in the kitchen.  Now boys, I know you have tons of questions, but we are all hungry so please let's go fix breakfast and we can all get to know each other while we eat." Mateo stands, walking us hand in hand into the kitchen, the guys following closely behind.  A few stay standing while others sit.  Mateo takes the seat at the head of the table and pulls me back onto his lap.

'I can sit on a chair, you know.' I say mentally to him.  The only response I get is a slight tug of my hair at my back.  I smile and snuggle closer.

"Sis, what do you want to eat?" Joel asks heading into the kitchen followed closely by Roger.

"I would really like some more of that coffee, Joel.  That's all I need for now, thanks." I smile at him.  I am too nervous to eat.

"Hmm, I don't think so.  You can't have coffee if you don't eat some food so how about some bacon and eggs?"

"Sure, if that is the only way I get my coffee."

Mateo rubs a hand up and down my arm and speaks into my ear.  "You need to eat, today is going to be a long day.  Since the pack has returned we are going to have a lot of visitors."

"Alright, I'll eat what I can.  Don't worry."

"So, can someone tell me what happened to the rogues?" Mateo asks looking around the room, his eye settling on Blake.

"We killed a few of them when they turned and attacked but we caught one yesterday morning.  He was dieing and wanted to be forgiven his sins.  It was pathetic.  He spilled everything.  They were hired to capture Cici and take her south to the Oregon border.  When we asked him who hired him, he said he didn't know.  Their leader was killed that night and he was the only one to have talked to the guy.  He said they were an unorganized pack and the only reason they were given to capture Cici was that she was a run away from some other pack and they were to return her for punishment.  He was the only one we buried.  We left the others for the animals to get rid of for us." Blake says, glancing between Mateo and myself.

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