"Hey it's two of my favorite people from Central City!" Felicity laughed as she opened the door and pulled them into a big group hug.

"Hey Felicity," Caitlin said as she hugged her back.

"Good to see you." Barry replied.

They followed her inside and Caitlin immediately went to pick up Olivia.

"Can I?" She asked Oliver.

"Sure," He smiled at her.

This was Caitlin and Barry's first time seeing her in person. They had been too preoccupied before with everything going on with Zoom. Cisco insisted that they take advantage of the small break and leave while they could. He was holding everything down with Harry back at Star Labs, but sent his love.

"Oh my, she's so big already." Caitlin sat on the arm of the sofa and bounced Olivia in her lap.

"I'm your aunt Cait. Hey there," She cooed at the baby.

Olivia was pretty friendly and she loved the extra attention. It was something Oliver worried about because he didn't want her going to just anybody, but Felicity assured him they'd always be right there and she'd be fine. That didn't stop Oliver from regarding everyone with suspicion though. Caitlin and Barry were people he trusted however.

"I'm going to go get the barbeque started." Oliver announced after saying hi to Barry.

"How old is she now?" Barry asked as he watched Caitlin with the baby.

"Six months. I know she's a little big for her age, but have you seen Oliver? She'll probably be taller than me by the time she's 5." Felicity joked.

"Aw no, she's not that big." Barry laughed too.

Caitlin looked up and caught Barry's eyes on her. They never told each other how they truly felt, much to Felicity's disappointment, but everyone seemed to know it already. The silent stares they'd steal. The heart eyes, the smiles. They weren't fooling anyone; not even each other.

She gave him a half smile as she began to tickle Olivia. However, Olivia had grown hungry by then and began to cry.

"I got her." Felicity walked over. "She's just hungry."

"How do you know?" Caitlin wondered curiously as she handed her to Felicity.

"I just changed her so she has to be hungry. I've gotten pretty good at knowing what's wrong with her by now. I'll be back, but you two...talk okay?" She winked at Caitlin before going to feed Olivia in the kitchen.

Barry chuckled nervously and Caitlin blushed a bit.


The Diggle's and Laurel had arrived. The only one missing so far was Thea, but she wasn't answering her phone. In true protective, always-worrying Oliver fashion, he began brooding.

"She's probably just stuck in traffic or sleeping in." Felicity tried to calm him down as he paced back and forth on their outside patio.

"She should have come with Laurel." He said for the 100th time.

"She moved back into the loft remember?" Laurel reminded him.

He gave her a quick glare; she wasn't helping.

"Oliver stop worrying. This is supposed to be a happy day right? Let's just eat and I'm sure sh-

"No, Felicity. I can't just pretend that everything is fine when I don't know where my sister is!" He cut her off.

Olivia could always pick up on whenever one of her parents were upset. She began to squirm in Felicity's arms.

"Hey, what's wrong baby girl?" Felicity tried to bounce her, but it didn't work.

She began to cry and Oliver sighed. He hadn't meant to lose it in front of her. He never wanted her to experience that side of him. It was just easy for his mind to go back there; to when he was always on guard and constantly worrying about his loved ones.

"I'm sorry." He said softly and reached for her.

She looked at his outstretched hands, but then tucked her face into the crook of Felicity's neck. She didn't want to go to him after he had yelled.

"She'll be okay." Felicity assured him as she rubbed her back.

She began to settle down in her arms. Perhaps she was due for a nap, Felicity thought.

John joined Oliver outside once Felicity left to try to get Olivia to sleep. Laurel also went back inside as it became clear to her that she couldn't get through Oliver.

"She can handle herself, Oliver. You don't have to go into this mood just because she's a few minutes late." Diggle told him.

"She's my sister Digg, I'm never going to not worry about her." Oliver told him.

"I know man, but—

"I heard you were looking for me." Thea smiled as she appeared in the doorway.

Oliver's mouth opened as he took in the man standing beside her.

"Roy?" He gasped.

Roy gave him a smirk as he nodded his head.

"How?" John turned to face them.


Everyone had settled around the dining table with the exception of Olivia. She was asleep upstairs.

"So I got tired of chasing after this guy and him telling me to stop wasting my time. Obviously he still doesn't get that Queen's don't quit." Thea turned to Roy who was sitting next to her.

"Right. I didn't want you getting caught up in this. You should have understood that." Roy countered.

"I decide what I get caught up in, thanks. Anyways I called Malcolm and demanded he fix this. It wasn't his fault, for once, but he's done plenty so he owed me."

"And what did he do exactly?" Laurel asked.

"I told him Roy needed to come back as Roy. Not Justin, Jason or whoever he was pretending to be. He said that a guy from the league had gone rogue so he'd be the perfect guy to take the fall. Now, Oliver I know you won't approve, but just imagine if it were Felicity before you judge me. I still don't know how he did it exactly, but he convinced SCPD and the media that Roy was innocent and he only faked his death to escape being killed in jail. People are calling him a hero now and I couldn't agree more." Thea kissed Roy on the cheek.

He shook his head as he held onto her hand. He was in love with her now more than ever. Not only because she had saved him, but because she never gave up on him.

"Wow." Caitlin said.

"Malcolm Merlyn did a good deed, color me surprised." Felicity shook her head.

"It's good to have you back, Roy." John gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"It's great to be back. I've missed you all. And I'm sure you guys could use an extra hand out there with these two being retired and all."

"I couldn't think of a better replacement." Oliver smiled.

"I'm happy you're back too, Roy, but can we eat now? I'm starving." Barry spoke up.

Laughter broke out around the table amongst the group of friends. Oliver began passing the dishes counter clock wise around the table. It was nice to have everyone together again. For a moment, everything just felt normal. There were no threats against the city. No evil villain causing chaos. They could just be themselves and enjoy being in the company of one another.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora