Chapter 2

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(Top: their plane. Bottom left: Adrian. Bottom right: Charlie)


"Wake up, everybody!" Dad yelled through the house. He banged on pots and pans and all these other objects. They made loud noises.

"Ugh..." I muttered.

"First 12 out of bed get donuts!" Dad yelled.

I jumped out of bed and ran. Dad's donuts were always delicious. When I got there, Mary, Morgan, Liana, Killian, and Michael were already there.

"6 donuts left!" Dad shouted. I laughed and sat down at the table. Dad put a donut in front of everyone that was there.

Jackson came running in to the kitchen. "I want one!"

"Sit down, Jackson and I'll give you one." Dad said. Jackson obeyed.

"What time is it?" Morgan asked.

"It's 2 A.M. We're leaving at 4 A.M. Some people take a long time to get ready, and some people like to take showers, so..."

"Okay." Morgan said, taking a bite of her donut.

Liam, Lucas, and Mark came running in. They sat down and Dad put a donut in front of each of them.

"2 donuts left!" I yelled. Katie ran in the kitchen with Samantha holding her hand.

"That's it! They're all gone!" Dad shouted. Mom came into the kitchen.

"Then I'm not getting up!" James yelled back. I rolled my eyes.

"The table's full now, too." Mom called. "But the first 12 people in the dining room get a blueberry muffin!"

I heard a massive scramble. Mom's blueberry muffins were delicious.

Suddenly, Logan, Louis, Riley, Ronald, Toby, Jim, Olivia, and Natalie burst into the dining room.

"4 muffins left!" Mom shouted.

"Oh, for God's sake." James mumbled, coming into the dining room. He smirked. "You mean 3."

Christina and Theresa ran into the kitchen. "One left!"

They all sat down and got their muffins. Francine hurried in and grabbed one.

A few seconds later, Emily and Isabelle ran in. "Sorry, Emma and Izzy, but the muffins are gone." Mom told them. She smiled. "You can sit at the counter and have my French toast, though. 10 pieces of French toast left!" Mom yelled.

Hugo, Lauren, Grace, Janet, and Matthew hurried in. Soon after them came Lawrence and Mark.

"I don't think there's anyone else." Mom told Dad. "We'll just eat the rest."

Dad nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

"You have 2 hours to get all the way ready, and get on the plane!" Mom shouted. "If you don't, then we'll leave you at home!" Even James wasn't brave enough to try that.

*On the Plane*

"Okay, sit with whoever you want." Mom called to all of us. "Sit with whoever you want, but make sure that you're safe. That's our priority!"

I hurried over to sit with Lauren, my best "friend." I grabbed a seat in first class. Lauren went with me.

Our plane is awesome. We have TV's, and also these tablet things that we can play games on. They're built in to the plane too.

"Wow! You got first class!" Lauren said, impressed. I smiled and nodded. I'd just graduated 6th grade, going into 7th. Lauren graduated 7th and was going into 8th.

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