Chapter 23: What Not To Wear

Start from the beginning

“That’s what she said.” 

Deadpanning, I flipped her off and continued to cut.  Once cooling off my playful hatred, our brains must have done a discreet mind connecting thingy because we started to sing in union. 

Best Friend Moments #1: Breaking out into song. 

We were totally doing an enactment of the mice creating Cinderella’s dress for the ball.  Except instead of Cinderelly, Cinderelly, it was Lil’Ly-a, Lil’Ly-a. 

Yeah... we worked past our sleeping schedule. 

When we finished our awesomeness, we exchanged looks and then burst into laughter. 

“Is this fabric paint permanent?” asked Driz, staring down at her white blouse. 

I shrugged and dipped the paint brush.  “Who cares?”  I evilly rubbed my hands together, eyeing our soon-to-be masterpiece.  “Now shall we start the last step?” 

Driz picked up her brush and grew her mischievous smile.  “Let’s shall.” 

Paint pretty much ended up on every speck of the room.  On the couch—over the wooden floors to my mom’s coffee table. 

At the very least, you could say it was abrupt chaos. 

But—meh.  It was worth each splatter. 

“C’est tres belle!” Driz chanted, kissing her hand and throwing it in the air. 

“Oui!  Oui!  C’est magnifique!”  Staring down at the beauty we had just produced was a great feeling.  Like when you finish reading a book (or even writing one); the overwhelming feeling like you just completed and brought something great into this world. 

It was a damn good feeling. 

“You ladies done yet?” yawned Ruby as she waltzed in.  “It’s like—three am.” 

Driz and I gulped.  Following Ruby’s eyes, they didn’t widen at the sight of the room and simply gazed at us.  Thank goodness her drowsy eyes couldn’t notice the mess. 

Giving myself a mental ‘hand-to-forehead-relief’ motion, I nodded.  “Yeah, we’re done.” 

My aunt wrapped her robe tighter and made her way closer, trying to focus on the plastic mannequin that wore the dress.  She blinked back, and failed a response. 

I frowned and poked her shoulder.  “What?  You don’t like it?” 

A wide grin danced across her mouth, and she turned.  “I think it’s the coolest, snazziest, diverse, sexiest, most beautiful, mutha faqing awesome gown I’ve ever bloody seen!” 

Living Short in Bel Air (Completed 2013)Where stories live. Discover now