This was also at my Nana's house.

I was sleeping over there, with my sister. For some reason, the downstairs of their house always freaked me out. I always hated being there. I could constantly feel a dark, negative energy around, I felt watched all the time. When I go downstairs, I do what I need to quick and then I run up the stairs as if I was being chased. Something about it, it feels like it belongs to something and it doesn't like me being there.

So one time, my sister had convinced me to sleep in the guest bedroom down there. I don't know why I did, considering what I saw the next morning.

I just know that I had a hard time falling asleep, my eyes darting around the room many times, considering how fearful I was of that area of the house.

I don't know if I had a dream or not, as I always either have nightmares, no dream at all, or dreams that I'll forget and later (years later), will come true.

So I woke up, it was the typical thing you see in movies. The main character wakes up to sunlight coming through the blinds and feels relaxed, had the perfect sleep and was completely awake. Typical scene, only not...

For me, all the above was true. My sister had already woken up and gone upstairs, I'd assumed. She was the one who liked to sleep in that room, not me.

I found that my idiot of a sister had turned off the lamp at whatever point, leaving the room to natural light (which she loves, I don't).

But that wasn't the odd part.

When I had woken up, I looked immediately at the door, which was open. I saw an older woman, grey hair and all. She was wearing one of those old-fashioned mourning gowns, with the hat that had fishnet over the eyes. The dress reminded me of one of those older, Civil War or Victorian aged mourning attires for women.

Instantly, I was struck with fear as she stared at me. I got an evil feeling from her, for whatever reason that might be. I believed that she could hurt me if she wanted to and it was that reason, that, as she still stood there, I ran through her and up the stairs.

Now, I just wonder how long she was watching me sleep.

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