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November 15, 2017

This isn't really something new new, but new information on an event that happened about ten years ago.

Remember how, in an earlier experience, I was talking about the ghost named Chris, who died by a drug overdose? And how two electric razors and a hair dryer kept going off? And how my mom would talk to him sometimes?

Well, I just got more information on all of that.

My mom was talking to the maintenance guy about it, as we had called him to fix something. Anyway, she said that the lights would turn on and off, that the TV would do the same thing. She'd say stuff like "Chris, stop" and then it'd stop.

I found out his age too. He was seventeen. I also learned that we were the first people to live there after he overdosed. Maybe that's why we got a lot of activity, since it was recent (at the time).

So that's what's new.

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