Chapter 17

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Garrett woke with a start, his eyes snapping open instantly. The room was shrouded in the velvety black cloak of night, much to his relief. The only source of light cast its gentle argent glimmers across the wooden flooring, allowing Garrett to make out the figure of a slight woman crouched over the water basin.

He groped at the thin fabric underneath him, struggling to make sense of his surroundings. His stirring caught the attention of the woman beside him, who gave him a small smile when she saw that he was awake.

"Are you feeling better?" She inquired, wringing out a clean cloth in her hands.

Garrett made to push himself up, but stopped abruptly when a stabbing pain tore through his arm. In an instant, Isabella was at his side. "No! Don't get up!"

"How long have I been out?" He groaned.

"Only a few days. Three at most." She gently eased him back down onto the tattered mattress. "You haven't moved an inch for days now. Your muscles need time to reacclimate to even the mildest of exercise."

He shrank away from her touch, then raised himself with his undamaged arm. "Believe me, I've gone longer without using them at all." His head throbbed as he sat up, but he ignored the mild discomfort. Tentatively, he placed his bare feet on the cold floor.

He paused for a moment. "You took off my boots?"

She gave a nervous laugh and cradled her hands. "My apologies, I thought you might be more comfortable without them."

Isabella stood in irritatingly close proximity to him, clear worry furrowing her delicate brows. She trailed a short distance behind him. Garrett resisted the urge to move out of her arms' reach. She had, after all, kept him alive for some time. He could grant her the small favour of allowing her to think that he needed or wanted her assistance.

"I suppose you don't need my help," she said as she backed away from him. Garrett sighed in relief.

"I'm fine." He turned towards the window. "Thank you." He didn't have to look back to know that she was smiling; he could practically feel the warmth of her happiness radiating off of her.

"You are most welcome, Master Thief."

It had been a while since someone had used the notorious moniker without malice, disdain or even a hint of brazen irony in their voice. It wasn't an unpleasant change, he thought to himself. Garrett immediately pushed the thought aside, moving steadily on shaking legs towards the cool night breeze.

Outside, all was silent. Above, the sky was almost clear. Beyond the wisps of grey cloud which swirled and billowed in the wind, the stars twinkled against a black silken backdrop. Below, not a single person person roamed the ash-lined streets. It was the perfect night.

"You aren't actually considering going out there again, are you?" She asked incredulously.

Something about her tone, which to him suggested ownership or a sense of intimacy, irked Garrett.

"What I have in mind is the last thing I'd like to be doing on a night like this," he said with a clenched jaw. By the look on her face, he could tell that his response had offended her. How very aristocratic of her, he thought to himself. Only the rich would huff if someone so much as glanced in their direction the wrong way.

"And what might that be?" A coolness stilted her words, but her face remained impassively collected.

Garrett paused, looking anywhere but in her direction, before he forced himself to continue. "This... arrangement isn't permanent, as I'm sure you've guessed by now."

The mask of indifference guarding her features faltered slightly. "Clearly," she spoke through taut lips. "Do you wish for me to leave now?"

A part of him was tempted to say yes, but he refrained. "You wouldn't last one night out there. It's dangerous for anyone to be out given the circumstances, let alone a noblewoman. You'd be hanged from the gallows if not trampled or stabbed to death first."

Night's Cold EmbraceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora