Soooooo.... I suck at life.

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So, guess who's the worst at planning and understanding dates(like days, not romantic, tho, I do suck at this as well). ME! I'm an idiot and just know realizing it.
My new way of introducing myself: Friend. Confidant. Bosom Buddy. Amigo. Pal. Homeslice. Gal. Compardre. The luminous light upon their weary world.

When I meet someone new: ...You... I like you and your face.
There friend asking if I'm always like this, my response: Charming? Sociable? Questionable social skills? Yes.

Than my best friend says: Don't worry about it, Grace is always like this.

My life meeting skills need work but I'd rather be playing quittage.
This is why I'm a Gryffindor.
I'm to lazy to be a Ravenclaw (I might be able to pull it off tho)
I'm to nice to be a Slytherin
And I'm not..... whatever makes Hufflepuffs be the puff balls of joy and Averys shoe throwing magic.
(Its a long story involving a 1D insult and AVID. Let's just say that my friend got a shoe in the face for it. Just ask ilikecoke2332)


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