chapter 5

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The next day my lessons start… yeeeh… not!! My first lesson of the day is PE.. Not my worst subject but considering the fact that the rest of my class are boys and way taller than I .. I was kinda scared. Luckily for me, I had most of my classes with Nico, Alex, Parker and Cameron.  When we walked to the gym I realised that I had to face yet another problem, I figured that in an all-boys school, there wouldn’t be a girls changing room. I asked Alex where I should go.

“Err.. to Mister Ance?? Or no you should probably go to our teacher, Mister Robbertson, although he isn’t the nicest teacher.. at all…”

“I can handle it.. I guess..”

Parker brought me to the small office that belonged me to the small office that belongs to the PE teachers and says he will see me in a couple of minutes. I knock on the door. 

“Who is there?” 

“Err.. Grace Letman,.. sir?” A huge guy opens the door. And when I say huge, I mean freaking huge! He looks down on me

“Who are you looking for, lady? I suppose you are the new girl, are you not?”

“Yes, I am..”

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t know where to change.. considering the fact that there are boys in all the changing rooms..”

“They won’t mind.”

“Err.. I do, Sir..”

“Ahh.. Well, I suppose that we will have to find you a place then, but until then, change in the toilets. “ I nod and get changed. We have to be outside and it takes me quite long to find the field. When I arrive I feel everyone looking at me.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Stand in line, lady, we will not wait for you in the future, understand?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir.” He nodds and I stand next to Alex.  

“Today, guys.. and girl.. we will start with running, just to warm up, then we will see who of you is the fastest.” He points and the running field

 “Lady” Mister my already least favourite teacher says  “I don’t know if you should join, it will be too easy for the boys.”

I raise my eyebrows “We’ll see about that.”

“Fine, but don’t cry if you lose.”

I get very angry now, I hate guys that think women are less good than men. I am about to say something, but Alex pinches my side and shakes his head, I understand Mister Idiot of the year is not someone to mess with.  After 30 minutes of running my legs off, we still have to battle… as Mister PE idiot calls it (yes, I do remember his name, but I like to give people other names, I think this suits him better.. hehe) I have to run against Alex first, lucky me cuz Alexie runs as fast as a turtle with cramps. I win, but Mister Robbertson is not impressed yet. So the next ‘battle’ is between me and.. o shit.. Nico..

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