Chapter 6: Day at the Mall

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Enjoy the song! Dedicated to Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner ❤️❤️

Reader's POV:
I am sitting next to Kurt talking about the book by Roald Dahl 'The BFG' when Jubilee comes into the lounge area excitedly before asking everyone "Who wants to go to the mall? I already cleared it with the Professor so we are good to go!" Kurt grins excitedly, Scott and Jean nod, Peter runs into the room obviously wanting to go with us, I look around at my friends nervously, they are all looking at me. I look at Kurt who is looking at me with hope in his eyes, I nervously nod my head and say "Sure, why not?"

At the mall...

"This is amazing!" Kurt exclaims in pure excitement. He starts to BAMF into different shops, looking at everything. I giggle at his excitement, he is so adorable when he is excited. 'You should tell him how you feel' I hear Jean's voice in my head, before I could reply, Jubilee and Jean go into a clothes shop, while Scott and Peter go into a video games store.


"Oh my gosh!" I saw jumping back in fright, as Kurt appears right in front of me. "Oh! Apologies Mein Engel! I just found a book store vith the book you talking about!" Kurt exclaims excitedly. I smile and allow Kurt to BAMF me and him to the book store. He leads me to the book 'The BFG', I smile at Kurt. I pick the book up and look at the price... $5, I look at Kurt before asking "Do to want to get anymore books?"

"Nein Danke (No thanks)". He replies, I smile before going to the cashier and paying for the book. When we exit the book shop, I hand the book to Kurt. He hugs me tightly, before kissing my head. "Danke (Thank you)". He whispers in my ear, I smile and hug him back blushing.

"Hey lovebirds!" I hear Scott and Peter yell out to us. We separate from the hug, looking at Scott and Peter. Peter takes Kurt to the food court, leaving me with Scott. Scott and me walk silently to a different shop, me and Scott don't really talk that much so being alone with him can be a little... Awkward.

"So... How are things with Jean?" I ask Scott, he looks at me... I think, I don't really know when he has his glasses on. "Good, I'm happy with her and to be honest I'm thankful that she is my girlfriend... She means the world to me". He replies back smiling. I smile, I rarely see the soft side of Scott... It's nice to see him happy. "How are things with you and Kurt?" He asks me, I look at the ground blushing "G-good... He was really happy when I brought him a book". I reply. Scott chuckles, before saying "I figured, he did kiss you on the head", I blush a deep scarlet. "It was only-" "It was only to thank you for buying the book". Scott says interrupting me. "He loves you y/n, he really does". Scott says to me, I look at the ground silently. "When your ready... Please tell him". He says to me, I nod smiling... "I will... I promise".

Thanks for reading Chapter 6, more moments between y/n and Kurt soon to come. I hope you liked this chapter and please let me know what you thought of it :-). Byeee ❤️❤️

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