Chapter Two: "Yup, It's Twins Hunny."

Start from the beginning

"Wait........ So I have wait TWO months before I can know the genders?!?!" I wined.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we can't give you special treatment, you will be treated just like everyone else with twins... Except if there come some complications." The weird nurse told me. Wait! What complications?

"WHAT COMPLICATIONS?!?!?" I semi yelled.... Okay I yelled it pretty loud, but you would have too if you were pregnant and they told you there could be complications...

"Well, there's premature birth, miscarriage, they can have a physical handicap, and then there's the possibility that the babies can have lung problems when they get born"

Oh.... That's pretty many things that can happen... I'm a really ready for this?

*** Flashback over ***


Ten weeks ago, I got a choice. A choice wherever I wanted the kids, or not. There were so many complications, and I was so scared, but I talked with my mum, and I thought it through, and now I'm 27 weeks pregnant and still growing. So obesely I kept the twins.


"MUM, HAVE YOU SEEN MY PREGNANCY DRESS, THE ONE WITH THE FLOWERS ON IT?!?" I yelled from the bathroom, just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I've changed dramatically, I'm still that loud, sweet, weird, random one. The only thing I actually kinda change was that I haven't touched a drink in six, almost seven, months. That and I'm so flipping hormonal.

"I THINK I SAW IT IN THE DRYER" My mum yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"THANKS MUMMY" Yeah I still call her that.

"WELCOME MAMA" She start calling me that about three weeks after we found out I was pregnant.

I pulled the towel tighter around me, and walked down to the washing-room so I could look it the dryer. Luckily the dress was there so I didn't have to try and pull on some jeans of any sort. I'm pregnant for God sake, and it's twins so I'm huge! I took the dress with me up to my room so I could change and do my daily routine, which actually only was putting on clothes and then do a light makeup.

When I was done doing my thing, I went down stairs so could eat some breakfast before my mum and I left for the hospital. We were finally going to know the genders! We couldn't get to know the genders the last couple of times because of their machines, but the hospital finally got the newest model so we can actually know the genders.

I decided to just eat some cereal because, why not? When I was about to take the third spoonful cereal, mum came running in taking an apple stopping it in her mouth, took a cereal bar, then my hand, and tried to run out the door. Key word tried.. It's kinda of hard to run when you're seven months pregnant .

"Mum, why are you in such a hurry? The clock is only-" I paused looking down at my arm, hoping there would magical aper a watch. When I noticed there wouldn't, I took out my phone to see the clock was 10:23 am."- time for us to hurry our bums or we're going to be late" I finished speedwalking as fast as I could to mums car, with her hot on my heals.


"Crystal Miracle Faith, the nurse is ready to see you I'm room 345B" the bored looking receptionist called.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied smiling and got up, or well, tried to.

"Mum, could you help me get up please?" I asked.

"Of course Mama Chris" she replied helping me up

"Mum?" I asked after I got up, and we began walking towards to room we were called into.

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