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I walked my happy self into school knowing I was going to be able to read Kyoya's black book! I honestly felt like the shit!

And I was a hostess! And I had Kendo club, and Karate club meeting so at least I don't have to practice Karate!

I was so eager I went to the 2/3rd year courtyard even though I normally sat with Haruhi in the first year courtyard ! I don't give a damn!

I saw Kyoya and Tamaki sitting with Mori and Honey-sempi.

I walked to the table and sat on Kyoya.

"Can I now?" I asked smiling

"No." Kyoya shut me down

"You promised! Tamaki-senpi Kyoya's being mean!" I said pouting and turning to Tamaki.

"How dare you be rude to my daughter! Come here and let daddy cheer you up!" Tamaki said rubbing my head

I stuck my tounge out at Kyoya.

Kyoya smiled a fake ass smile and said "I didn't promise when nor did I say you could read it anytime you pleased." He said

I noticed he was grumpy this morning!

I walked to the other side of the table and squeezed Honey-sempi's cheeks.

"You're too cute for your own good Honey!" I said

He smiled brightly at my comment and said "If I'm so cute then you're mega cute!"

I laughed and gave his cheeks another squeeze before sitting by Mori.

I sat on the right side of him and Honey sat on the left side of him.

"Mori." I said smiling goofy


"You're also too cute for your own good!'re not really cute..." I said searching for a word

He looked at me and frowned a tiny bit

"You're Handsome!" I said

He did something I really didn't expect from him.

on the cheek.

"Y/n if you're going to be a hostess, I suggest you get the word out." Kyoya said smirking

"You're right but when I passed the other courtyard there were people asking to request me so someone already has!" I said happily

"You're too cute for my good." Mori said sadly

I grabbed his big hand and interlocked our fingers and laid my head on his chest.

He seemed tense but now he relaxed

"Y/n!" A girl who looked out of breath said running to me

"Yes?" I asked curious

"I want to" She did catching her breath

"Of course! All you have to do is make an appointment with Satan over there and I will be your host!" I said hugging her

She blushed and walked to Kyoya who was glaring at me

Before I knew it tons! Of girls and boys made an appointment with me!

"Tamaki, y/n has beat you today she has 80% request rate you only have 13%" Kyoya said

In was shocked!

I looked around and people were staring..

I felt weird!

"Mori, why are they staring at me?" I asked

"Because you're beautiful" he said looking at me and smiling and me blushing like an idiot

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