Meeting the Haninozuka's

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Your POV

We arrived at the Haninozuka estate and you were amazed! Everything was so simple, and traditional, yet it seemed to be the most extravagant home you've ever seen.

"Are you staying?" I asked Mori

"Yes, my father and brother are here" He said, this is the most I've heard him speak.

I nodded and followed Mori to a den looking room. Mori took his shoes off and replaced them with a pair of white slip ons.

I did the same.

Mori walked in front of me as we walked into the large room.

"Y/n-chan!" Honey said hugging you

You got down to his level and hugged him back.

You let go from the hug and pinched Honey's cheeks and sat down next to Honey and Mori.

"Everyone this is y/n-chan!" Honey said smiling.

You stood up and bowed.

"No need to be so formal! We have plenty of time to be uptight when we start practicing!" A blonde man who I assumed was Honey's father, sensei Haninozuka.

"Of course, sir" I said

A tall man who resembled Mori, raised an eyebrow "This is the woman we're training? I expected you to be....bigger!" Sensei Morinozuka said

"I get that a lot!" I said smiling

"I imagine, its very odd, your father is a very large man! Your mother is 5'9 and you can't be taller than five foot!" Sensei Haninozuka said with a smile

A boy who looked to be in middle school looked my way, he didn't really look like either Honey or Mori?

"How do you know my brother? He's in highschool, and I think I've seen you in the hallways of the middle school?" He spoke

"I'm in highschool, and I met him at his club, because I was apologizing to his friend." I said

"I don't believe you!" He said

I was taken back by his response I never would've expected the son of one of the most respected men, to be so rude.

"Are you accusing me of lying?" I asked

His face went pale. He looked at me and started shaking his head violently.

"I'm only messing with you, what's your name you never introduced yourself?" I said giving him a smile

I heard everyone chuckle.

"I'm Chika, Mitskuni's brother." Chika said getting up to shake my hand.

I stood and shook his hand, he smiled at me!

Another boy stood up, he was definitely Mori's brother.

"I'm Satoshi! Takashi is my brother, he's the best at Kendo! Have you seen him fight? I want to be as good as him when I grow up!" He was much more talkative than Chika, he could give Honey a run for his money!

"I haven't seen him fight! But I'm sure he's amazing, and I'm also sure you'll be just as good as him!" I said sticking my hand for him to shake.

I was surprised when he hugged me! He was already many inches, maybe even a foot, taller than me.

I hugged him back. And pulled back. I smiled and walked back to the couch.

I looked at Mori and said "You and your brother look a lot alike!"


Mori's dad stood up "How about we go to the dojo, y/n can show us her skills, I believe Sensei Li is still training his students!" He said and we all followed him and Sensei Haninozuka

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