Part 2: When the prince is the frog

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It was after work and I was making my way to my sister's house. Of cause I was going to tell my sister. You cheat on her, you cheat on me. My sister was me.

I made sure Kwame was not there, because he had this take over spirit that made it difficult to actually win in a fight with him, or win in anything.

I rang the door bell and waited, I could hear my sister talking in French, she was on the phone to my grandma on my dad's side back in Dominica. She always made us talk in French to her, she feared my mum's mother who raised us after the death of our parents was trying to make us forget our roots.

'oui Lizzie est a la porte' (yes lizzie is at the door), she stated as she opened the door. She was sporting a long maxi dress and she had a flawless middle part that reached the middle of her back, whilst I was wearing a navy tailor fitted suit, with my freshly washed hair. We looked completely opposite but exactly the same. She kissed me on my forehead. Something she always did ever since were young. When we were young it was cute, now we are 24 nearly 25, I just founded it rather patronising. A method to ensure she kept power over me, like I was a little child or something.

'Grandmother wants to speak to you Elizabeth darling' she said in her fake posh accent, she only called me Lizzie to please my Grandma.

I just took the phone and made my way to Jolie's kitchen

'Bonjour mon prefere' (hello my Favourite) my grandma whispered into the phone, as if Jolie could hear her.

'vous ne pouvez pas dire que, je parie que vous dites ot de jolie aussi' (you can't say that, I bet you say that to Jolie also)

'non, elle connait votre mon prefere' (no she know your my favourite)

'de toute facon, comment allez-vous grand-mere' (anyway how are you grandma)

'Je suis heureux, jesus est bon, tu me manques juste filles. Quand j'etais en Francais, il etait plus facile' (i am happy Jesus is good, I miss you girls. When I lived in France it was easier)

'I know grand-mere, Dominica is just so far and we are both so busy at the moment' I replied in English, I could never continue in French like Jolie.

'Trop occupe pour moi' (too busy for me)


'Ok, ok. Comment allez-vous ?' (Ok, ok. How are you?)

'I am good. Just work stresses'

'Et Jolie stress' (and Jolie stress) she added

I laughed

'Ne laissez pas lui que vous passure, vos deux diaments et brillera a votre facon (don't let her stress you, you are both diamonds and will shine in your own ways'

'Grand-mere it's not her'

The phone cut before she could respond, I would call her back as soon as I go back home.

I left the kitchen and went to the sitting room or the 'lounge' as my sister would call it.

'Elizabeth darling, how are we' she said flipping her new weave and turned to look at me, she was reading Soulfashion a top black fashion magazine

'Hey Jolie' I said not quite sure how to tell her what I saw at work.

'The old woman off the phone finally, she can talk for the world gosh. When you finally entered I was like...'

'Jolie something happened at work today' I cut her mid sentence

'You got fired. Darling, I told Kwame to ensure this does not happen. He had informed me that you had missed the last two targets and that..'

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