The Day it happen

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Alexander's POV

Tomorrow...tomorrow is when I'm going to be gone I don't care I can't take the people at school and the people that I call my family and friends...tomorrow is the day I turn fifteen and that will the day I leave when I'm gone..

*The Next Day*

It was lunch and everyone eats out right now cause it's still warm so we can I started to walk to the back and would the ladder then I hear shot's go off "HELP! THERE'S A GUN MEN *shot* HELP!" I heard amber the school slut scream, but I got to the top of the school and I felt the wind pick up more than it is right now cause Casper is windy anyways..

Ambers POV

I was eating lunch with my friends and boyfriend Zach then I heard shots go off and screamed "HELP! THERE'S A GUN MEN *shot* HELP!"  I screamed and Then I was shot in the ribs

Alexander's POV

I fished out my blade and note out and I put my note in my back pocket so when I hit the ground it comes out a little and when they get my body they'll have to take it out of my pocket I grabbed my blade and stabbed it in my wrist and pulled in down my wrist and then I jumped off the school as  I was falling I heard another shot go off and I was hit in the back of the head and I was killed..

*Next Day*

Naomi's POV (Alex's Best Friends)

I can't believe my best friend is gone. " Why?" I chocked as I saw the present for Alex sitting on my dresser we're even born on the same day. "Naomi can you come down here" My mother called for the bottem of he stairs. I got up and walked down the stairs to see my mom and cop.

"Are you Naomi Bishop?" The officer asked "Yea why" I sniffled "Come with me" I walked out the door and in the passenger seat of the car and we  drove to Alex's house and the sight of it made me start to cry from all the memories replaying in my mind before we go in I would like you to read this handing me a note that had my name written in Alex and I font

Noms, It's hard to say goodbye this soon and saying sorry won't fix what has been done Ashley left me as you already know of my parents and the voices I cant take it anymore...hope you and Andy work out and have an future amazing together...I'll be haunting you and him I just hope that might make you feel alittle bit better knowing in the middle of the night I'll be watching you guys sleep and probably scare the shit out of you guy when you guys wake up in the middle of the night..but I have a present for you in the little cubby you would hide in when we where little and you would always get stuck in.


I cryed remembering when that would happen.I ran up the stairs to Alex's room and went to the cubby and opened it and saw a little black box with my name on it I opened it and saw an Aries necklace and warped tickets for this year. I cryed and put the necklace on at the bottem there was a note

"To find Beer bag's note go to the old park and go to the spot I lost my first chocker at and dig till you get to the box he put the chocker in" I ran out of her room to find it.

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