They were soon fully informed of the situation at hand: as had happened in the past, a group of soldiers had been patrolling the northern outskirts of Wall Rose, by the Utopia District, when the colossal Titan appeared as it did five years previously. The abnormal Titan had smashed a hole in the wall, allowing an estimated nine normal Titans ranging from fifteen to ten feet to enter the district. Repeating the behaviour witnessed by Eren, the colossal Titan ignored the humans and seemingly vanished into thin air once the breach was created.

As the trio entered the courtyard they found the rest of the juvenile scout regiment waiting, and Eren scrambled over to them, followed in tow by his solemn sister Mikasa.

'Commander, what do you want me to do? Will you need me to transform, to seal a hole again?' The young cadet fervently questioned.

'We need to survey the surrounding area first, who knows how many Titans have come or gone since the last report. We also need to find out if there's even something we can use to seal.' Commander Erwin explained patiently.

'Levi squad will join with Hange squad under their direction to deal with the Titans already in Utopia district. Eren, you will travel with me and squad leader Zacharius, we will move along the walls to view the situation and asses whether your transformation will be safe from what we find from there, everybody understand?' The commander barked out to the wide-eyed regiment before him.

'Yes, sir!' They all chorused back, then scattered to assemble their ODM gear and horses to travel.

Levi sensed this probably wasn't a suitable time to make a sour remark about the pain of being paired with Hange's haphazard leadership. Instead he nodded in response to the commander, and also to assure Eren that the commander's instruction was legitimate.

'Wait, Commander, I respectfully request to join you and squad leader Zacharius.' Mikasa stepped forward, her face composed.

Hange saw the Commander puzzling out the implications of taking on another cadet with him, and then looked at Mikasa, the secret expression of desperation in her eyes. Hange didn't even need to be told much of the adopted siblings story to understand that Mikasa would stop at nothing to ensure her brother's safety- Hange could sense their overwhelming bond forged in steel before they had even known their names.

'Commander, I implore you to agree, cadet Ackerman is a widely skilled soldier, and possibly the only one who can control Jaeger should he lose control of himself again.' Hange encouraged, and felt the silent communication of thanks Mikasa sent them with a look.

'Very well, cadet Ackerman, you'll assist us and act as a personal guard to cadet Jaeger.' The commander agreed and mounted his horse, beckoning his small group to do the same.

It was then agreed that, like previous missions, the regiment would act in response to which smoke signals the Commander released once in position. Green indicated that Eren would transform with the sole purpose of sealing the breach. Yellow indicated that Eren would transform, but to act as defence for the soldiers as there is no material suitable to seal the breach. Red indicated that Eren would not be transforming, and would join the regiment to fend off the present Titans while the Commander decided what the best course of action was from there. And as always, black meant emergency and total abandonment of the mission.

With a few more moments of planning and organising the terrified cadets, the Commander and Mike were racing away through the surrounding trees with Eren and Mikasa in tow, blades glinting in the sunlight.

'Chins up, cadets, courage is the key!' Hange tried to call out with some cheer, but felt it wasted on the young cadets who were still haunted by their previous experiences with the Titans.

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