Chapter 1

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'Oh, good. Here comes the pinnacle of peace and tranquility themselves.'

Captain Levi lowered his teacup to the ancient wooden table he sat at, accompanied by Commander Erwin, Mobilt and Eren Jaeger. They were gathered to try and discuss what their next move was regarding cadet Annie Leonheart, who still remained comatose and unreachable in her protective chrysalis.

The males all watched as Levi lowered himself until he was crouched mockingly beneath the wooden slats, face to the stone floor, hands braced over his head.

'Captain Levi, get up, Hange's probably just got some-'

Before the Commander could finish his sentence, the archaic doors burst open, sending plumes of dust rocketing from the walls, settling on the hairlines of each person sat in the midst of the apparent whirlwind also known as section leader Hange Zoe.

'A very good evening to you all, including you, Levi dear.' Hange's voice sang out in the eerily echoing room, answered by the others happily, nobody could resist the infectious sunlight Hanji brought with them.

'Damn, I thought I was safe down here.' Levi hissed, slowly emerging back from the floor, his face still as plaintive as it was before.

'No one is safe from the blinding light of knowledge, certainly not after what I've just found!' Hange chorused, clumsily spreading an array of papers in front of their fellow comrades.

'What have you got, squad leader Hange?' Erwin leaned forward to inspect the information scrawled in Hange's hectic, disorganised hand.

'Commander, just call me Hange, it saves time. Anyways, I was just testing the skin samples I collected from the remains of cadet Leonheart's Titan form, from the nape, specifically right below where she-'

'Just spit it out, four-eyes.' Levi sighed, resting his head in his hands as if Hange's words were so intensely uninteresting, he was in danger of falling into a coma.

'Patience is a virtue, Levi.' Hange tutted, shaking their head like a disappointed parent.

'So is persistence.' He muttered, folding his arms across his chest.

'As I was saying-' Hange readjusted their glasses perched unevenly on their sharp nose.

'I've got reason to believe that the genetic makeup of a human-variant Titan's skin is different to that of a normal Titan, meaning I might be able to develop some specific armour as such to help you, Eren.' They gazed at the younger boy sat across from them.

'You think so?' He asked back, and they nodded, once again dislodging their glasses, something Levi irritatingly noted.

'I'm sure of it, imagine the advantage you'll have Eren! Now we won't have to concern about minor Titans getting in your way-' Hange babbled, their excitement getting in the way of their controlled speech, whirling around the room in a way that made everyone's head spin.

'Great, really helpful, especially considering we have no advanced enemy to fight since Little Miss Antisocial sealed herself up in crystal.' Levi snorted, smoothing the collar of his jacket.

'I'm fully aware of that, Little Miss Pessimistic. What I mean is we have something to work towards to make us more prepared for when she does reveal what she knows, whenever that will be.' Hange replied without disillusion, always prepared to deflect Levi's attempts to undermine them.

'Needed now or not, it's a great discovery, well done, Hange.' Commander Erwin nodded at his eccentric successor, who beamed back.

'So, Eren, think you could maybe endure some more tests with me?' Hange smiled softly, looking hopefully at Jaeger.

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