I slid my hands up his chest before gripping either side of his open shirt and leaned into him.

"Good job, baby," I told him, smiling innocently up at him.

"You're lucky this was my first time playing or we'd have crushed you," he teased, settling his hands just above my bum, much lower than he normally would have. I suspected the alcohol was making him less aware of his placement; either that, or he just didn't care at the moment. Whichever it was, I was more than fine with it.

"Sure, if that's what you need to tell yourself," I joked, winking at him. He just shook his head, finally breaking out of his pout to grin at me.

"So you have to do whatever I say tonight, huh?" I asked, reminding him of the stakes we had all agreed to.

"Those were the rules," he said fairly. I ran my thumbs along the skin of his chest beneath his shirt, reveling in the smooth texture it held before sliding my hands up around his neck, crossing my wrists behind his head. I grinned at the possibilities.

"Dance with me," I requested, knowing he never would under normal circumstances. These were far from normal circumstances, however: he was finally fitting in with my friends, he was probably drunk, and he was obligated to do whatever I said. It was the perfect combination.

He glanced nervously over at the large crowd of people in another room, dancing in a sweaty mess of people as the music poured over them. I knew he would be really apprehensive about it, but now was probably the best opportunity he could have for a chance to do it. I leaned up on my toes to brush my lips against his ear lightly before whispering to him.

"You'll be good, baby." I pressed a kiss to his jaw before drawing back, allowing him to return his gaze to me.

"Alright," he said, eyes burning into mine once again. I grinned at him, taking his hand in mine and pulling him through the crowd until we were in the center of the bodies. I was surprised to find Haley and Jack there, unaware that they had decided to join the dancing crowd. She cheered when she saw me pulling Harry behind me, waving her arms and motioning for me to join her.

She extended her arms out, wiggling her fingers at me in excitement as she writhed to the roaring music, which was even louder in the center of the make-shift dance floor than it had been anywhere else. Jack grinned behind her, hands resting very low on her hips as he nodded at Harry. I pulled on his hand, yanking him closer before reaching up to his ear again.

"Do what you feel, remember?" I told him, repeating the instructions I had once given him. I had not been disappointed then, and I knew I wouldn't be disappointed now. Despite his awkward movements, he had a natural fluidity to him that somehow managed to make him extremely clumsy and stragely graceful all at the same time. He nodded slightly at me, the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly as he rested his hands on my hips.

I spun around in his grasp, pressing my back into his chest and my bum to his front, eager for the contact after feeling like I had been deprived for so long. My hips swayed to the pounding thud of the music, which he followed, as I had predicted, flawlessly. I let my hands drift down over his, palms pressing into the backs of his hands as my fingers wove between his, gripping tightly to the underside of his palm.

His hand widened out, pressing flat against my lower stomach and pulling me tightly against him. My bum pressed into him harder, digging into him as we moved to the sound. Our fingers continually contracted and extended against each others, all the while pressing into my flesh, holding each other tighter and tighter.

I felt his nose run along my jaw, nudging my head to the side and allowing him to press his lips to my neck. Through his parted lips, his tongue snaked out against my skin before he sunk his teeth into my neck softly. I shuddered against him, which only caused him to pull me into him tighter. My hips rolled into him as my breathing picked up, and my hand reached behind our heads to tangle into his hair, the effect of his grip and mouth on me working me up.

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