chapter 1

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Cherry, Atticus, Mo, and Patch were packing up to go away for a little while.

"You guys are going to Equestria again?" Darla pouted as this was before she became an honored guest to the pony world after the Friendship Games between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep and it was the return of disharmony, but they would learn that shortly after arriving to Twilight's castle.

"Sorry, Darla, but it's our duty, plus we haven't had any time to have real fun with the Mane Six." Atticus put his arm around his little sister.

"What am I gonna do without you guys?" Darla pouted.

"You can go over to Amber's house and spend time with her." Patch smiled.

"I gues so... "Darla hated to be left out.

"Aw, Darla, I know you hate being left out, but you can't go to Equestria with us," Atticus comforted. "At least, not yet anyway... We'll be back next week and then we can do whatever you want!"

"Just no dress-up." Patch then begged.

"Okay." Darla said with a small smile.

"Come on, we better get going." Patch said.

Atticus gave Darla a nice and tight hug and went off with Patch to get to their Equestrian vacation.

Darla sighed as she was then going to see Amber. "What am I gonna do while they're all gone?"

"Maybe visit my cousin Timmy Turner." Amber said, coming into the room.

"I didn't know you had a cousin?" Darla said back to her.

"Murray knows him back in Fairy World." Amber said.

"He does?" Darla asked.

They were now at the Greening house in Annabelle's bedroom.

"Yeah, Murray knows Timmy very well, but mostly through some stories," Annabelle said. "In fact, he's going with a bunch of other fairy godparents to see Timmy for his 'Fairy-Versary' party."

"His what?" Darla and Amber asked, confused.

"You have to see and since you're both included in the magical kingdom, it's okay that you know too." Annabelle said.

"I guess we'll find out when we get there." Darla shrugged.

"Yeah, sounds like it." Amber also shrugged.

The three of them were going to get there the only way they could without drawing attention and that was by magic. As they went to the place known as 'Dimmsdale', they were going to meet one of Amber's cousins and were going to have their own magical adventure while the others were in Equestria. There was a green-haired fairy man in a white shirt with a black tie, black pants, and black shoes, and there was a swirly pink-haired fairy woman in a short-sleeved yellow top, black pants, and black shoes.

"Those must be his fairy godparents." Annabelle said.

"You must be Annabelle." the pink-haired fairy smiled to the brown-haired girl.

"That's me," Annabelle smiled. "Murray's my fairy godfather."

"How's he doing?" The green-haired fairy asked.

"He's not here?" Annabelle asked. "Huh, could've sworn he sent us here with his magic."

"Then why's that wand in your hand?" The green-haired fairy asked.

"My wand?" Annabelle asked, then looked down. "Oh, this is just a toy wand."

"Are you sure?" the pink-haired fairy asked. "You seem far different than many mortal children we've met before."

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