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Calum asked Ashton to meet him at the same cafe, alone.

There they were, drinking milkshakes and telling jokes.


A bit of the milkshake fell onto the table.

Calum's arm knocked it over.

"I really like you Calum, you're cool..

Anyways, can you tell me that thing?"

"Well, I used to date Luke and he was a complete asshole..

He treated me horribly, now I'm scared to be loved and touched.

Its just too much.."

Calum lied.

Ashton's eyes were filled with worry.



"Do you think he's gonna do that to me too?"

"Pretty sure.

He's probably just waiting for the right time, like how he waited 'til I was about to marry him."

Ashton gasped and gave Calum a hug.

Calum felt bad, but this was all for Michael.

"Cal can I come with you tonight?

I know we just met, but I feel comfortable around you.

And I don't wanna go home.."

"Sure, baby."

Ashton blushed.

Calum asked Michael if Ashton could stay at their house, and he replied sure.

So Calum and Ashton left the store and walked to Cal's place.


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