Chapter 7: The Lie We Told

Start from the beginning

"Yeah he is cool, but you listen to me. Don't mix business with pleasure, you hear me?" Taraji turned to face her, a confused look adorned her features. "You're young & I look at you like a little sister. So as a big sister I feel it's right to let you know how to play this game."

"What game?"

"Hollywood. Never sleep with a man you work with. That's rule number one, don't ever shit where you eat. Now Tyrese is fine, he's charming as hell, but don't you cross that line Taraji. I know y'all both are feeling each other & that's cool. Looks great on camera, but don't catch a rep out here in these streets."

Taraji laughed at her. "I'm sorry" she apologized while still laughing. "You think I'm going to sleep with him? He has a girlfriend & I'm too focused to let some dick come between me & my coin. I'm hustling & grinding for my baby, I don't have time to get caught up AJ. But I do appreciate this talk. I'll be sure to always come back to it, in the future."

"Y'all have that sex scene tomorrow, so I thought I'd step in, say a few words & step out. A lot of actors & actresses get caught up with character feelings they end up doing shit off camera & later regret it, because now they have a rep for fucking people they work with."

"But he's had way more sex scenes with Tamara, did you have this talk with her?"

"He's not feeling Tamara the way he's feeling you. I doubt he'd even try to fuck her. The way y'all are feeling each other. I don't see him all over her & all around her like he is with you. I see big things for you girl. You're going to be a star, I can just tell. Don't get caught up, it's just a movie, ok?" she said as she brought Taraji closer to her. They hug. "Kiss Marcell for me."


"Marcell eat your food, it's getting cold & you have bed in 20 minutes."

"Is Tyrese coming over today he said he'd bring a PlayStation for me" he asked as he poked at a piece of pasta on his plate.

"No he isn't. Now eat your food...Hello" she answered the ringing house phone. It was her mother calling & asking how the day went. She was super excited about her baby being in a big movie, so very proud of her actually. She called every day at the same time to check on her & Marcell & to ask about Taraji's day on set.

"Is that grandma?" he asked, his little eyes lit up. "Can I talk to her?" Taraji handed the phone to him. "Hi grandma. Guess what I did today?" he said, excitedly. "Yeah & I drew a rocket ship too." Taraji smiled as she grabbed his plate off their little dinner table & walked over to the kitchen. One day she was going to have a big table & a big house just for her & her baby. They would have all the things they craved & then some. That was her goal when she came out here with $700, a hope, a dream & prayers. Do what she loved, get paid to do it & take great care of her son.

"Alright boo, it's bed time" she said as she walked out of the little kitchen. Marcell handed her the phone & climbed off the chair, pushing it in before walking to his room. "Hey mama...Yeah we're about to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow... I love you too. Bye." She placed the phone on the charger & proceeded to the back. Once she had Marcell situated, they said their prayers, she kissed his forehead, said a few jokes & left. She took a long shower, deep in her thoughts. She was trying to prepare herself for this damn sex scene. When she stepped out, she looked at her naked body in the steam covered mirror. She wiped some away & turned to the left side, then the right, then the front. She examined her body from her hair follicles all the way down to her toe nails.

She had some critiques about her body, what woman doesnt? But hell this was her & one thing she never did was give a fuck about what people thought. This is what millions would see come June. Like it or not, this was her. She blew out hot air & turned the lights off as she entered her room. She put on a loose fitting nightgown & went to bed.

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