Did It Really Happen?

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I walk up on the couch a blanket thrown over me and I quickly threw my hands under it checking for clothes. I was fully dressed and I sighed with relief looking around, Trent was sleeping in a chair. I bit my lip thinking. Was it all a dream? Am I really that bad of a friend that I'm fantasizing about my best friend's boyfriend? Oh god, what if it did happen and I just don't remember. I shook my head, frowning slightly as I stood up sand stretched. My back hurt from sleeping on the couch and I was in desperate need of an Advil. I had definitely drunk more than I should have last night. Groaning softly I walked to the counter flicking on my coffee maker and getting a cup. I glanced at the clock, 8:45. Ugh, I'm glad my mom isn't going to be home 'til tomorrow. I grabbed a coffee cup and happily poured myself some coffee. Sipping it, I opened a cabinet and pulled the bottle of Advil. I popped the pill into my mouth and sat back down on the couch.
Trent opened his eyes slowly and smiled at me. "Hello."
"Hi." I smiled slightly, biting my lip in worry. Should I ask him? No, what if it was just a dream then he'd know I think like that and ugh. Dee came out to the living room. 
"Hey, there you guys are." She grumbled, rubbing her head in obvious distress. Her eyes landed on Trent almost immediately and she walked over and sat on his lap. He smiled at her and I got up when they started making out. I couldn't take it, I know it was wrong for me to be jealous he was Dee's boyfriend, but damn he was so hot, and if last night actually happened, he must like me too. I bit my lip as I stood and walked back to the kitchen to pour myself more coffee. I could here Dee moaning softly as they kissed and I almost hurled. If we really had, had that amazing experience last night like I think we did, his tongue that was now trying to go down her throat, had been on my clit only hours before. 
If Dee knew she'd be so disgusted with that. No. If Dee knew she'd be so disgusted with me. No. If Dee knew she wouldn't just be disgusted, she'd be traumatized, and mad. She'd hate me for the rest of our lives. Dee is my best friend, I should hate the idea of me having even the slightest of feelings for her boyfriend, but I don't the only feeling I have is a strong desire for his erect muscle to be inside me. He could probably make me moan and groan with pleasure. Ugh! I could myself getting wet, and the heat from my blushing was making me sick. I sipped the coffee, swallowing loudly, and I turned around as Dee came into the kitchen.
"Getting coffee you little addict?" She giggled at her own joke and I wanted to roll my eyes, but instead I smiled.
"Yep, you know me all about coffee." 
"Of course." She grabbed a cup from my cupboard and filled it with water from the fridge.
"Can I go take a shower?" Dee asked taking a sip of her water.
"Of course, go for it." I smiled, my chest tightening at the thought but I still asked. "With Trent?"
"Nah, we're waiting until we get intimate." She smiled whispering so he wouldn't hear. "I'm gonna go take that shower now."
"Okay, have fun." I smiled at the fact that Trent wouldn't be in it with her.
We both walked to the living room and she waved at him slightly, with those girly little finger shake that girls do, and I growled softly sitting down on the couch. Once the shower started, Trent came over and sat next to me.
"Hey, how's it going, cutie?" He leaned down kissing my neck.
"W-what?" I jumped slightly, feeling his breath on my skin.
"Oh, do you not remember?" I could hear the tone of his voice change and I turned to look at him. He was frowning, and I quickly wrapped my arms around him.
"No, of course, I do at least some of it, you just startled me." I kissed his cheek.
"What do you remember?" He smirked slightly, but his eyes were full of curiosity.
"Um... up until the point when your tongue was doing the alphabet on my clit." I blushed slightly. "Did anything happen after that?"
"No ma'am, that's when you fell asleep, I would never touch a woman while they were sleeping." He slid his hand on to my cheek and I bit my lip.
"Okay good, I didn't miss anything, and it actually happened." I smiled widely at the idea.
"Well of course, did you think it hadn't?"
"Well.... I was really drunk and I blacked out so I didn't know if maybe it had all just been a dream."
"Is that something you would have dreamed about?" His smirk widened.
"Well... um... I just... you're... um.." I could feel my face getting an even darker shade of red as I became overly flustered.
"You're so hot when you blush." He had leaned in again and was now whispering into my ear. I bit my lip, swallowing hard.
"N-no, no I'm not, I'm-" Before I could finish he had his lips on mine.
"You taste so good, you know that right hotty?"
"My lips probably just taste like coffee, nothing special." I shrugged slightly, staring back at him intently, my eyes fixated on his dark, almost black ones.
"I didn't mean your lips." He kissed me back hard, biting strongly on my bottom lip. A soft moan escaped my lips and he pushed me down against the couch.
As he slid his hand down my thigh he smirked down at me. "Tell me what you want, baby." His voice has deep and demanding and all I wanted was for him to rip off all my clothes and take me right here, right now. 
"Trent," I whined breathily. "I want you, please... Please, Trent." He smirked wider, bending and pushing his lips hard against mine when the shower turned off and my heart sunk into my stomach. he leaned toward my ear and whispered. 
"Soon baby, soon, I promise." He pulled himself off of me and sat back in his chair. I slowly sat up frowning deepily. He stared at me, and mouthed. Soon I promise. I could feel my heart stop as Dee walked out in her sweatpants and t-shirt, and no makeup. She looked adorable, but I kept my eyes on Trent and he barely even looked at her, which made me so happy, I could feel my heart start pumping again, and I smiled.

*I'm sorry for such a long wait I've just been super busy lately, but I hope you enjoy.*

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