Little monkey first birthday

Start from the beginning

"Your welcome baby girl. By the way I missed you." I smiled. "I missed you too daddy." With that he turned and walked away. I buried my face into Edward neck and enjoyed holding the people I loved.

Later that day after I was finally able to take a shower after Edward and I was chasing Little monkey everywhere now. After that she was everywhere into everything. When I walked out of the bedroom and froze at the site on the couch it was so adorable. Edward was holding Rebecca and they were out cold. I took out my phone and took a pic and set it as my background pic on my phone.

I finally walk into the kitchen and fell over on my butt stun when I saw Alice and seen how she was dressed. "Are you alright Bells?" My dad asks coming over and helping me up off the floor. "Bella you okay?" I turn when I heard Edward's voice and he was holding still sleeping Rebecca in his arms. "Yeah! It's just your sister took me off guard that's all." Then I heard Edward chuckle.

"I know it's a little mind blowing isn't it." I just nod as my dad helps me up. Alice was wearing a flannel shirt jeans and tennis shoes and her hair was longer and put back into a pig tail. "Its comfortable what can I say." She says and I fall over again in shock. The next I knew Edward was helping me off the ground this time. This time he held on to me. "Are you alright?" I shook my head no and turned and walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

My stomach wasn't feeling well and for some reason now I kept feeling light headed lately. "Baby what's wrong?" Edward asks me. "I'm not sure. My stomach been upset and I been feeling light headed plus tired. I thought it might because I'm still recovery but what with just happen. Edward I know something wrong I can feel just don't ask me how but I do." He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.

"If I learned one thing about you and that's never to question you and how you know things. Now come with me and will just go get it checked to be on the safe side and before you ask no I'm not being over protective. It's just one thing I learned with you and it's that damn infection and I'm not taking no chances this time. Will just tell everyone we got some last minute shopping to do for little monkey. Now come on."

Later at the hospital the doctors wouldn't let Edward come back and he just asked me when I had my last period and I started thinking. "Oh shit! Ummm, actually come to think about it I haven't had one since two months ago since me and Edward and you did the surgery. I started rambling. They came in and did a blood test then after a while brought in Edward and now I was confused at what was going on.

Then the doctor comes in pushing an ultrasound machine with a smirk on his face. Edward and I looked at each other confused. "Remember when I told you it be a miracle if Ms. Swan got pregnant Mr. Cullen?" He asked Edward. "Yeah! Why?" Edward asked confused. "Well it would awesome that 2 people had some I would say some fun before her surgery and well someone well take a look she 2 months pregnant." My head snaps around to the monitor and my eyes widen. Cause sure enough there was a little blimp on the monitor. I turned and looked at Edward who has a goofy grin on his face.

"Now Ms. Swan I will not put you on bed rest but I will recommend please do not over do it. I will not stress the fact that your uterus is messed up so please be careful." I nod and turn back to Edward and he picks me up and spins me. I laugh. "Edward put me down." He slowly puts me down and presses his lips against mine. He pulls away and leans against my forehead. "Another miracle!" He says. I just nod and smile. "Edward were moving up our wedding to next month please." A even bigger smile went on his. "You just made me the happiest man ever." I laugh. "Good now take me home so we can give everyone the good news and tell your mom to add on a bedroom." His mouth drops open. "How you know?" I shook my head and smiled. "I had a dream about it actually." He scoops me up and I squeal and he carries me out to the Jeep.

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