See It From MY Side

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Sincerly The Cannibals!. See It From MY Side.

I Woke Up with CareSin all Tangled up with Me.

There is a Ton of blankets and sheets on Me.

How'd The Bed get This Messed Up?.

I don't know but I Know it's very Hot.

I Try to Gently Move CareSin but once again this is Proven to Be A hard thing to do.

" Sunshine Wake up". 

I say.

She groans and Mummbles something in Russian.

I Tug on her thick&Shiny Black hair."CoMOn!".

I say. I laugh.Caresin gives Me a odd glance realizing I Said It in Such a Weird way.

Staring at Her Made Me forget about All Our Awful Prombels for A while..

" I.. I don't wanna Get up and Deal with Life".

She said sadly. I could tell CareSin is still hurt By Derek's choice.

I'm starting to Qeustion a Lot of things. Like What is With People and there selfish,Reckless choices. How Can I Make all 

This Go away?. Is there something esle I don't know?.

" Caresin I don't wanna get up either but we have to deal 

With Life sooner or later".

Caresin Groans again.

She gets off Me and looks off in to space.

poor Kitten..

What can I do to Make it better?. 

I sigh realizing nothing would Make it better,Well nothing I can do.

I Pull Caresin Back in My arms and Kiss The Side of Her warm Face.

She giggles.

I Smile. Her Giggle is adoreable.

" Hey Derek is here". Briace Says..

Ok he walked in with out knocking. But it's Briace and He is My new bestfriend So I'll let it go.

CareSin doesn't Look Happy.

" Come on let's go talk to Him". I say.

Me and CareSin get freshin up and dressed then go downstairs.

Derek is Sitting on the Couch.

I go to Kitchen. I'll just ease drop in on what there talking about. I know Derek doesn't like Me. So I won't sit there while there talking. It's quiete for a while. I just fix My self coffee and toast.

"CareSin Your over Re-Acting". Derek says.

How Is she over Re-Acting!!?. He called a Cult of People who Hate Caresin to his wedding!. That he shouldn't be having cause A physco Guy is searching CareSin!.

" Derek I'm not over-Re-acting.  

I'm worried that this will this be a dead give away of where were hiding. Risen will Now Find us.. Mainly Me".

Caresin says calmly.

Her voice is So Sexy.

" Dont worry about that. He still hasn't fond us and I have feeling he won't. If he does You have nothing to worry about we'll Kill 

Him very easly".

Derek says. I think about How this Ruined the Plan his Father Made when we had the family meeting.

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