I'll find out

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Sincerly The Cannibals. I'll Find out.[A/N.. Sorry this chapter is

really Long and More serious]

CareSin Pulled Alex and Derek out the House only leaving me A sorry

Filled Gaze.

I smile Weakly.

They Leave."Tech if they give you a Prombel,Let us Know".

Mark Says. Yep we Fight but we allways have eachothers Back.

Were all pretty Tight.

" Tech... Caresin's family is very Weird".

Vikkie says.

" Your gonna tell me all about it".

I say. Me and Vikkie go to my Kitchen. She makes coffee and we sit

down at the our big table.

She hands me a mug of coffee and grands hers.

" So what do you know?".

I ask. She looks down at the mug.

" Lastnight.. I went to help look for a liltle puppy.. In the oak

woods. Me and Mr Chester,We Seen this huge House Deep In the Woods..

Alex and Derek was Dragging A huge Black Bag threw a Back door. Then A

women came out screaming something in uh?.. Russian I'm guessing. Alex

and derek took of looking paniced.. The whole night they ran aroud the


So Many things rushed threw my Mind. Maybe I'm jumping to Something to


Maybe they Live in the oak woods cause there used to that. But then

again the oak woods are pretty Creepy and people never go there.

Ok well maybe The boys were dragging uh... Trash?,dirty clothes?.

Or a BODY!.. Ok that's to serious now you've watched way to many

horror films Cj.

Maybe they was chasing there pet?.

" Ok what did you and mr Chester do?".

Mr Chester is only 24.. And No one takes him serious.

" Nothing. But that house was just so creepy and I don't know it had

a bad vibe".

I bit my lower lip. Now I know just the person to Call!.

Well more Text. I text lance.

Come here I Need ur help with finding more about the crest family.

It's Not to long after that ,that lance is here. I tell him

everything about Caresin that I know of. He does some research on the


He Rubbs his eyes.

" Cj.. There is nothing I mean nothing on the crest's.I even reached

for Mr Crest Job!. Nothing..".

Wow that's so Strange.

I say "Damn". Lance Laughs.

" So anything new on the cannibal story?".

I ask. I don't wanna think about the fact that my Girlfriend has No

proof that she is who she say she is.

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