When they finally reached the gates of the estate, the gate keeper opened the gates for them and the loud classic music could be heard from inside.

As the car parked on the driveway, her mom was the first to climb out of the limo. She stood by the door for a moment, or maybe a little too long. She stood there as if she was a famous actress on the red carpet at the premiere of her new movie. Anna rolled her eyes on her mother's actions.

However, she had to copy what her mother did. So when she climbed out of the limo with her beautiful bright red dress, she did the same. The bright red dress was supposed to catch the prince's eyes.

Her sister climbed out after her. She was also wearing a dress with the exact same color. Copycat.

"Follow me, girls" her mom said leading them up the stairs into a big ballroom-like space or room where people were crowded in there. Wines and drinks were passed around by waitresses and waiters who were formally dressed. It was obvious that all the ladies in there too were wearing their best dresses.

Anna, Mel and Isa walked pass the massive door and entered the ballroom where the music was filling the room. Their eyes searched for the prince, wondering if he noticed them. They huddled at one spot just waiting for the prince.

"Maybe he's not here" Anna sighed.

"He will be here" her mother assured her.

"I'm going to look around for him" Isa declared.

"Fine" her mom said, "Don't forget to bring him"

"Sure, sure" Isa's body disappeared in between the crowds.

Anna continued to scan the crowd for any sign of Blake except to notice that some women are scowling at her as if she had done something wrong. She sighed, maybe she'll wander around in search for him too after all.

AFTER HALF AN HOUR, Anna was bored to death. She heard from the elders that Blake would be arriving late as he had something to deal with. Figures. As expected from the heir of Rendell's.

She thought that she'd wait and he'll arrive soon enough but she couldn't handle the wait. She was impatient as hell. She's the type of people who always acts on impulse. Maybe she'll visit the famous Rendell's garden at the back of the house.

She stepped out from the backdoor that led her to the garden. It was beautiful. Different colours of light illuminating the flowers. No one would really notices the full moon above with all those florescent light distracting them.

Ella also saw the infamous puzzle a few feet away from the garden. People visited it during day and walked through the maze. They say that they were rewarded when they find their way to the centre. They weren't talking about an actual prize though, they were talking about the beautiful decorations hidden inside that maze.

The curious nature in her seemed to drag her feet towards that maze. Before she knew it she was standing right in front of the entrance of the maze.

She bit her lip, it was dark in there but the moon lighted up the path well enough.

"Here I go!" she said to no one in particular and entered. She walked to the left, took a few steps then turned to the right. She took turns by turns without really thinking, sometimes to walk back out when there was an end. She kept on following whatever path was up ahead. Later, she started to feel frustrated as it lead her nowhere. The walk to a dead end started to happen frequently. Only then she realized that she couldn't hear any sounds from the party anymore which made her groan.

Damn it.

"It's not worth it" she sighed unhappily, trying to convince herself that it really wasn't worth it and decided to head back.

If only she could find her way out. She took out her phone from her bag to she that she had wasted 20 minutes in the maze.

Hell! The prince must have arrived already. Now, she really needed to be back at the party. She had been so curious and walked in so blindly that she hadn't thought of what she'd do if she didn't find her way out!

She decided to call both her mom and sister. Only to realize that both of them had switched their phones off before they got off that car! Now, she started to panic.

Maybe, someone would realize that she was missing and would sent out a search party for her?

Should she call 911? She debated that thought. It hurt her pride that she was needing someone's help but it was a time when she had to put her pride aside.

The prince would arrive by the time the search party would find her.

She decided to find her way back on her own while trying to call 911.

The signal was bad but she prayed it'd work. She dialed and kept on walking.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"What took you so long to pick up?! I'm lost, I'm stuck in a maze. Send an ambulance or something," What else was she supposed to say? "Or anyone?"

Silence. "Are you injured?"

"Uh, no? I'm going to be late!"

"Are you drunk?"

She growls, "No!" she was definitely going to be late, that couldn't happen "I'm lost inside a maze!"

"Did you get stuck in between the bushes?"

"No, I can't find my way out"

"Snotty kids pulling a prank" She heard the female voice complaining,



She gasped. Did the lady just hung up on her?! What if she was injured! What a shitty service! She was about to redial but she realized that she had lost the signal.

"Oh, come on! You've got to be kidding me"

Fuck. It's not even a jungle! What's wrong with this maze?! Maybe it's cursed. Why do I always have to be so unlucky! Everytime when finally something good happens, shit like this happens to me too! She thought.

"Fuck" she cursed and paced. Now, her only hope was the 'search party' people she assumed were searching for her.

All was quiet around her, which was creeping her out. Her legs hurt in the high heels so she took them off and slumped down on the ground.

She bent her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs. She rested her forehead against her knees and closed her eyes. Maybe, she'll magically think of ways to get out of there or find herself outside the maze.

If only the 'search party' that she kept on imagining finds her. She just knew deep down that someone would notice that she was gone and would search for her. She hoped.

After a moment, she heard footsteps making her head to snap up to the direction of the sound. She was right! Someone did notice that she was gone! She smiled widely as the footsteps grew louder and louder. She got up to her feet. That's when she saw a huge figure a few feet away.

"I knew it!" she laughed out loud as 'the huge figure' came closer and closer.

Her smile faded and she gasped when she saw who it was.

"Well, hello again Princess"


A/N : Please vote and help me out with wattys2016:)

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