sometimes I love you so much I can't breathe properly

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I try to scoop up all the love I have for you and pour over your pretty little head like ladling water into a tub. I take each hand that flies about when you talk and take it in mine. I push back your thick hair, and for the longest time I want to kiss you as if we were the last two people on earth. As if I stared into your eyes and saw a world brewing. As if I already didn't already. I want you to hold me, love me with the ferocity of a thousand suns burning reckless into the universe. I think of all the love I fester inside me and all the love that could be in you for me. Or the lack thereof. I adore you with such a fervor it drives me sick.

The tenth of July, 2016

Wowza we got real emo here

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