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???- ayee aaliyah

Liyahh- what andrew

Andrew- i miss you ma

Liyahh- shitt i bet chu do

Andrew- u got hella bags u need help ma ou and ma apoligie hii *turns to tajae*

Tajae- hii but can we help you

Andrew- nahh ma i just wanted to talk to ma babygirl

Liyahh-nigga i am not yo babygirl i got a nigga tf

Andrew- ou really ma how he treatin u *smirks*

Liyahh- better den yo ass was tf nigga get out my face its ma day and u messin it up

As soon as he was finna hit liyahh one of leos and tres security gaurds grabbed him

Andrew- bitch wtf u doin

Security- nigga wtf i want dont fuckin question a boss watch wat leo and tre gotta say bout this he had me follow u to see if u was good liyahh no weird shit thoo ight

Liyahh- ighht niggs

Security- *chuckles* u act just like yo bro

Tajae- okay besty can we leave now

Liyahh-yea leggo

Leos pov

Leo- FUUCK IM TIRED!!*whipes of sweat*


Leo-damnn but her room look clean tho with these fuckin bags and make up on the bed

Tre- right she one spoield mf bruhh i swear

Leo- mann but lets go get this ball room ready ima call tajae and tell her bring liyahh home to cgange then blind fold her and bring her to the ball room


T- wassup babe

L-bring her to the house

T- ight im omw wya

L- me and tre on our way to the ball room settin up

T- alright baby i love you

L- i love you to babygirl yall be safe



Tajinas pov

Haaaay yaall im not gone yet bitches im finna kill that bitch aaliyah frfr im finna have one off these drug lords get her yuup yuup and i got a plan just watch yall will know ma plan wen it happens


We on our way home rn ughh im finna go lay down and wait for ma tre baby

Tajae pov

Wat this bitch dont know is her room changed me and the boys bought her bags of cloths and shoes and makeup and she think she finna go to sleep tf

So we pull up to her house and we bounce out she walks in

Tajae- put this bandana on yo eyes


Tajae- nigga just do it

Liyahh-fine *puts it on her eyes*

Tajae- hold my hand

Liyahh- *grabs tajaes hand*

Tajae- follow me


They go to her room

Did I Change My Thug ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن