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(Tajinae and tajae in the mm )
Tre*knock knock*
Tajina-come in
Tajina-hay our baby's ok I think we shoul-
Tre- I THINK U SHOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP U STUPID BITCH I AINT NEVER MET A Mf bitch like u u over the moon and back upsessed with me I ain't never met a bitch like you u raggedy ass bitch I almost lost the love of my life cause of you why won't u just leave me Tf alone obviously I don't want u u was just a hit and quit I ain't even bust in u bet let me stop and go home to ma baby and ma homies that I yelled at bitch*walked out slammed the door*
Tajina-how Tf did he know aghhhh fuuuuuuck I will find a way to get him

Tres pov

I got to the house and good thing everybody was there I walked in and everybody was just muggin Tf outta me and liyah had pure hate in her eyes but acted like I wasn't there

Tre- why y'all all doin that I have to tell y'all sumthin


Tre- she was lying about being pregnant but I'm truly sorry to whoever else I yelled and Aliyahh Ik I fuck up but u got to help me threw this shit I love you man I won't hurt u I'm fuckin sorry

Liyah-it's coo

Tre- so do u wanna-
Liyah-yep*runs upstairs and puts timbs on and comes back *
Tre-how uk I wanted u to fight
Liyah-idek *laughin*

So we got in da car Marcus and Chris tj and aj tajae and Leo liyah and me so we got on a 4 way or whatever

Conference call
C-ok so we're we goin tajae
T-she lives on 4111 palace rode in that motel

So we pulled up and seen her gettin out the car

Liyah pov
Wen I seen that bitch get out the car I ran up on her pulled her hair and was stompin her face till I felt ma hair gettin pulled I was gettin jumped wtf
Tajae-ou hell nahh y'all not finna jump her drags the one bitch and they both just stopping and punchin the girls in the face

Marcus-o shit 12 go to the trap!!!
We hopped in the car and went to the trap

Tres pov
We did our secret knock and the nae nae was on so we start dancin my baby was killen it but I was better ha den all u hear is
Bang Bang Bang

Liyah hit the ground

Leo pulled his gun out and start shooten
Tre-fuuuuck Aliyahh stay wit me please fuck Mann baby talk to me I need u
Leo-wtf bruh get In da car

So we all got in the black truck and was off

Leo-fuck man how I need ma sister she the only person I have come on man *crying*
Ik Leo was hurt he ain't even cry wen his mother and father died they ain't Barry them no Nuthin
We pulled up to the hospital and got out

Tre- we need help over here ma girlfriends been shot *screaming*i love you baby pull thru
Leo- man fuck tre

Tre-wtf I do

Leo - if yo ass woulda never talk to the bitch and kept yo pants up we woudnt be here like this

Tre-Mann how uk it was Tajina

Leo-because bitch what bitch uk got orange and pink hair like Tajina
Tre-fuck Mann I'm fuckin up

An 1 and a half pasted den the doctor walked out
Doctor-family of Aaliyah James

We all stood -that's us

Doctor-well I'm so sorry for your lost we tr-

Tajae-fuck that ma Bestfriend ma sister she is not dead *tryin to run back there but gets pulled back **crying *shes not gone Ik she not

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