Chapter 2 - Is Beck okay?✨

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Heres chappie 2, enjoy heheh! c: ✨date - 24.10.13

I smile, and pat the empty space next to me, so beck sits down. "Hey, are you auditioning?" I asked. "Of course, yeah! Are you?" He grinned. "Definitely" I smile. "Hey guys, why don't you all come to my place after school to practice?" Tori smirks. "Thanks Tori!" Says Robbie "I'll be there" smiles Beck. "Me too" I grin. "Me three..." Says Jade, sitting down. "Okay, pick up the script, and then come over to my place at like... Five?" Asks Tori. "Sure" everyone replies.

I'm in Tori's house, it's just us two at the moment because I was a little early. "What part are you auditioning for, Tori?" I ask. "Umn, I was thinking Thomas's mum" She says with a smile. Tori's house is really cool, she also has a perfect view out of her living room window. "Oh cool, I'm auditioning for Thomas's sister" I reply. Ding-dong sounds the door bell. Tori jumps up from the couch accidentally knocking over some magazines as she goes. She opened the door to see a very bored expression on Jades face. She walked right past Tori and sat herself next to me. "Come in?" Laughed Tori. "Very funny, Vega" Jade rolled her eyes.

"It's half past five now, maybe Beck's not coming" Announces Robbie. I really hope he does come... Beck's such a great actor, he would be able to help me improve. "Hold on and ill text him" says Jade, pulling out her pear phone. "Well we may as well start practicing, I really want the lead role" smiled Andre. "Yeah we should start" Grinned Tori, flicking through her script.

"Thomas, you know it's not a good idea to join the Mexican army!" I yell. "But it's what I'm destined to do..." Andre says, with a soft tone. "Just accept that, it's my decision!" Andre grumbles, raising his voice. "I-I just don't want you to get hurt..." I mumble, tears forming in my eyes. "And scene!" Yells Tori, smiling. "You did great Andre" I smile. "Thanks, you too Cat!" He says "the way you were almost crying, wow!" He grins. "Woah, woah, woah" jade says, her eyes widening. "I've got to go... Poor Beck" she mumbles, picking up her script and putting it in her bag. "Bye everyone... Thanks Vega" She says. Just before slamming the door behind her. I wonder what's up with beck, he better be okay...

It's the next day, schools just ended. Auditions are tomorrow, I'm quite nervous... RING-RING oh it's a call! From Beck...

"C-cat?" Mumbles Beck.

"Yes? What's wrong?" I say.

"Just meet me at the back of

The car park in Hollywood arts"

He whispers, then hangs up.

That's weird...I better go see him.

I approach the old wall at the back of the car park, to see Beck siting on the wall with his head in his hands. "W-what's the matter?" I whisper. "Oh Cat!" He cries, leaping off the wall and pulling me into a hug. "Everything is... Ruined" he mumbles. "How so? Tell me everything..." I sigh. Beck releases our hug, and we both sit on the wall. "My grandpa died, he was one of the closest people to me" Beck sighs. "I'm so sorry" I whisper. "Thank you Cat, and to make things w-worse..." He mumbles. "To make things worse?" I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Jade and I...I-I think we've broken up, I mean, we had a big argument last night and, and...-" I cut him off. "It's okay Beck, everything will be alright" I smile. Beck looks at my lips and leans into me... What's he doing? I THINK like him but... He might not have broke up with jade and... What if he's just trying to kiss me to forget Jade... I dodge his lips. Beck looks confused. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have" He sighs. "It's alright, you're just upset" I smile, putting my arm round his neck. But what if he's not just upset? So many questions are running through my mind right now...

✨Thanks for reading chapter 2 ^.^ future chapters will be longer, I promise. It would be smashing if you would comment what you think :) see that vote button? Yeah? Click it heehee :) and follow >.

Loving The Red Head ~ Cat and Beck - victoriousTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang