Eggnog and Ugly Sweaters

Start from the beginning

"Don't think I haven't noticed all the effort you put into the decorations, either. Well, not that I could have, anyway. It looks wonderful in here, Flower. You've turned our house into a home and I love every piece of it," I murmured before kissing her cheek and turning her toward the kitchen. I give her butt two light pats as a notion to walk.

Upon entering, I saw that she'd pulled out all the stops with the table set up, making it look nothing short of perfect - not that I was surprised at all, everything she does is amazing. I guess it did help that I was completely and irrevocably in love with her.

Love does something to you; it fucks with your head but does so in the best of ways.

I groaned happily at the sight before me once I finally sat down. All of my favorite foods from three cheese mashed potatoes to green bean casserole to honey glazed ham steak were sitting before me and that wasn't even the beginning. Not even an inch of the table could be seen from underneath all the dishes that are littering it. I made a mental note to buy a bigger dining table soon – we'd need it with all the kids I intended to have with her.

I reached my arm across the table to tear into one of her famous homemade dinner rolls, but my hand was slapped just as I picked up the warm bread. She snatched the steaming bun from my hand and set it back in the basket. I instantly knew what I'd done wrong as she gave me her signature stink face as I liked to call it.

"It's your turn to say grace," she informed me before putting her hand out palm up. I grabbed it with my own as we both bowed our heads to give thanks. This had become a tradition of ours before every meal, something that I wasn't necessarily used to but had grown to enjoy.

Clearing my throat, I began. "Dear Lord, we thank you for everything you've blessed us with. I thank you for the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, and the food we have before us today. Thank you for blessing me with the most beautiful and caring fiancé in the world, and for my healthy children. I pray Poppy's doctor's appointment goes well tomorrow and that you continue to watch over us and our loved ones. In Jesus name we pray, amen," I murmured. Poppy's own whispered amen followed mine before I leaned forward and kissed her softly. While I wasn't a stranger to praying, it was something that I had to get back in the hang of. The first few dinners Poppy gave me the honors, I stumbled through my thanks awkwardly, spurred on by the comforting stroke of Poppy's thumb on my knuckles.

After eating as much as both of us could physically handle, we cleaned everything up and soon found ourselves upstairs in our bedroom. I quickly started the bath before adding a few essential oils that I read were safe for pregnant women. Making my way back to our bedroom, I groaned loudly when I walked into Poppy completely naked and getting her pajamas on.

"Uh-uh," I said while shaking my head back and forth. She gave me a look of pure confusion before I swept her up in my arms and carried her into the bathroom. I left the water warm, but not scalding as I didn't want it to hurt her or the babies in any way. After helping her slowly lower into the tub I stripped at a fevered pace, eager as hell to join her.

"I love baths," she breathed on peacefully, a content sigh followed her statement. The bath still wasn't all the way full yet, which left her breasts completely on display for my lustful eyes. The rise and fall movement of her chest shouldn't have been as erotic as it was, but, let's face it, I have been and always will be a tits man. That preference, combined with the fact that Poppy's breast had already started to enlarge with her pregnancy meant I'd gotten my greatest wet dream come to life.

"There're a couple of things I love right now, and you have to do with every single one of them," I growled out, unable to keep the huskiness from my voice. Her reaction was instantaneous as her eyes glazed over with need, her legs clenched together to try and dull the fire between her legs, and her breathing became shallow almost like a pant. I loved every damn bit of it.

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