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Sebastian Stan
You must be feeling really good
about yourself.

Chase Robertson
I don't know what you mean?

Sebastian Stan
How could you do that to her? She
trusted you even after I gave her every
reason not to.

Chase Robertson
Hmm, someone doesn't know how to
listen when she's told not to tell.

Sebastian Stan
Fuck you, Chase.

Chase Robertson
I could make a very vulgar joke in
response to that, but for your sake I

Sebastian Stan
You're lucky I don't fly out to wherever
you are and slam your head into a wall.
You ruined her, you know that?

Chase Robertson
Maybe, but I don't care. I got what I
wanted, so what's done is done.

Sebastian Stan
That's the way you see it, huh? You
just wait, because you have a big storm
coming your way.

Chase Robertson
I'm terrified.

Sebastian Stan
You should be.

Endless Love → Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now