When I finally reached my destination, I set my bag down on the floor and sank into my favourite, blood red beanbag in the corner. I rummaged through my backpack next to me in search of my current read.

It was a book by Sarah Dessen called ‘Just Listen’. I found that I could relate to the character’s story and I couldn’t seem to put the book down, whenever I had free time. I wanted to hurry up and finish it so that I could celebrate her happy ending, no matter how destroyed my life was.

That’s what I love about a good book. You can lose yourself and focus on someone else’s life. It’s an escape from reality, just for a little while.

Nearing 200 pages, I closed the book with a low thud as the bell sounded around the school. I slowly stood up and lifted my bag to one of my slouched shoulders and headed for the plain, brown exit of the library. The usually empty library was exactly how I expected it to be, lacking students.

I sighed and left my safe place to find my next class. I trailed down the practically empty corridors towards the science block for my biology lesson with Mr O’Shea.

When I reached the room, I muttered an apology for being late and scanned my eyes over the class. I moved to the back corner by the window and sat in my usual seat, glad that I still had an empty chair next to me. I placed my bag on it and opened it to remove my clear, plastic pencil case, green exercise book and my spotty sketchpad.

I selected a blue pen and opened my book to write the date. I located the title that was written on the white board at the front of the room and copied it down. I pushed that book closer to the other side of my desk and opened my sketchbook in front of me to a random page near the centre.

I stared at the blank page staring back at me and thought hard for something to draw. I switched my gaze to outside and admired the bare trees and the beautiful colours of autumn that had fallen to the ground. Having found my inspiration, I took out my drawing pencil and began to form the basic outline of my picture.

“That’s really good.”

Startled, I flinched and, in the process, scratched a dark line across my drawing. I just looked at it in frustration and frowned.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s fixable, right?” The deep pitch threw me off guard with its sincerity. I released the breath I was holding and slowly nodded.

“I’m JJ.”

I didn’t look at him but kept my eyes on my work as I erased the deep line with difficulty.

“And you are?”

His patience must have been running out, as he sounded slightly annoyed. I didn’t move my head and my eyes watched my hands fix the error on the page as I mumbled my name.

“Rochelle? That suits you.” He told me and had a second attempt to start a conversation with me as he changed the subject.

“So, how are you so good at drawing?”

I leaned back in my seat and slammed my sketchpad shut.

“I’m not.”


As soon as the shrill of the bell reached my ears, I was standing and thrusting my equipment into my bag. I rushed towards the laboratory door to make an escape from JJ and the rest of my peers.

For the first half of the lesson, he tried so hard to engage me in a conversation. But after the blank looks and the non-existent answers I gave him, his determination seemed to fade a small bit.

Relief flooded through me as I exited the main building and crossed the car park to begin my short walk home. I had scanned my eyes around and JJ was nowhere to be seen. 

A part of me was disappointed that he had given up on me so quickly. He was trying so hard to become friends, even though I was definitely not friendly towards him. I had almost wanted him to fight through my protective walls and try to understand me.

But I had been difficult and hadn’t given him the chance. 

I still didn’t understand why he would choose me to befriend, considering he already has the attention of almost every girl in our class, so far.

I’m not surprised. With his almost black hair that was partly tamed and the rest raised in a type of quiff above his forehead, his defined jaw was clearly visible. His eyes were the deepest brown I have ever seen and his eyebrows hung low, nearly making them disappear, and making them that much more intense. He was about 8 inches taller than my 5ft 4”, making him roughly 6ft. I couldn’t make out what his body was like, as his school blazer was blocking my view. However, I could tell that he is very well built and has lots of muscle under his tucked in shirt, perfect for a popular at Truslar High.

I reached my front porch without remembering the walk home and dug my frozen fingers into my blazer pocket to retrieve my house key. Inserting it into the small space and turning it as fast as my numb fingers would allow me, I entered the hall and slammed the door shut behind me.

Walking into the empty living room, I sighed as I plopped myself down on the almost-white sofa and grabbed the T.V remote. Switching it on, I selected a music channel to listen to while I wandered into the kitchen/ dining room to make myself a cup of hot chocolate.

As the kettle was taking too long to boil, I turned the volume louder and quietly sung along.

“Baby, I hear melodies, when your heart beats,”

I let Justin sing the next line as I poured in half water and half milk into a mug to make my perfect hot chocolate. Adding heaped spoonfuls of the instant powder, I continued,

“ Like, fa la, la la la, fa la, la la la.”

When I finished stirring, I carefully carried the drink into the lounge and sat down again. My phone bleeped from the arm of the sofa and I leant over to unlock the flashing screen by swiping my finger from one side to the other.

*1 New Message*

Clicking to open the message from an unknown sender, I was curious to read what it said.

Until I read it.

 -    _    -    _    -    _    -

Tell me whatcha think? pweeaasee :3 

I worked really hard on this and I am taking it a lot more seriously than my other books so far. :) 

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