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The scissors hovered, inches from my pale face. The girl in front of me was a mess. I stared, her brown eyes lifelessly staring back as tears streaked her cheeks endlessly. Her right hand shook and I raised my own left one to grasp a collection of chocolate brown hair.

I had always loved my hair. It was a deep brown, reaching my waistline easily. I had loved how it naturally curled into ringlets near the tips and was always smooth to the touch, never a knot in sight.

But as I looked at myself now, at the girl in the mirror, I felt sick. Images, memories, flash through my mind.


His hand is everywhere and I can’t stop it. One of his hands is holding mine in a vice-like grip above my head. His weight is crushing the lungs in my chest and my petite body is fighting to inhale oxygen. I’m not strong enough to push him off. My skin crawls and I flinch from him disgusting touch, as him grimy fingers worm their way into my hair.

“Your hair is so beautiful, just like the rest of you.”

His breath in my ear sends shivers down my spine. My stomach twists into knots as his rough mouth makes contact with my neck. His unshaven jaw scratches against the side of my face. I struggle against him but achieve nothing.


I barely recognise the desperate whimper as my own voice as I beg again.

“Please, don’t.”


I grabbed a random chunk of my hair and forced back the vile memory. I said a mental ‘goodbye’ to my appearance and added aloud,

“And good riddance.”

Please, Don't ( On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now