Late Nights

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A/N: Once again, smidgen of smut, more than last time, still not all the way there but just to let you know!

The manner in which Ladybug spoke during patrol that night had tried to mimic her usual casual and confident manner, but did so a little poorly. However, she somehow managed not to give away the fact that she wanted to see Chat without his leather suit on, and the pair said goodbye at about 2 am that morning, fiercely trying to ignore their thoughts about each other. As soon as Chat got home, he de-transformed and called Nino.

*ring, ring*
*ring, ring*
"Dude, the fuck, it's like 2.10 in the morning! Why the hell are you calling me?"
Adrien spoke in rapid, hushed tones as he told his friend the new information he had forced out of Plagg. Frequent gasps were heard at the other end of the line, and when Adrien finished talking, the other boy was uncharacteristically silent.
"So, like... he knew this entire damn time, and he never told you! Even though he knows you're in love with her! Betrayal, bro! I knew I should have kept him in that jam jar."
The corners of Adrien's mouth twitched upward at the mention of the jam jar. Meeting a kwami can be an strange and scary experience, and can cause one to do strange and scary things. Plagg had never trusted Nino since that incident, and had stopped speaking to Adrien for days, using only gestures to convey that he wanted cheese.
"...and like, he won't even tell you who she is now? Even though you know for a fact that he could tell you at any time! Ice cold, man...."
Adrien was inclined to agree with Nino on this issue too; no matter how hard he tried, how much he begged, Plagg wouldn't give even a single hint as to Ladybug's identity. He shot a frustrated glance at the kwami, who was, you guessed it, stuffing his face with cheese, and sighed a little. After a few more minutes of conversation, he said goodbye to Nino, citing the need for sleep, which was true, but saying he was going straight to bed, which was false. He was going to see Marinette.

Tikki congratulated the girl on keeping her cool in patrol, reminded her to get some sleep, and flew immediately into the dressing gown pocket which she was now using as a bed. She drifted off to the sounds of creaky window latches, hushed voices, and a shirt landing on the floor.

Chat Noir could feel his face turning fire red, and he could hear the blood pumping through his veins. There she stood, a little shyly, in a bra and pyjama shorts, staring hard at the carpeted floor. Every heart beat he stood there for felt like an eternity, and every glance at Marinette made his face go even redder. Eventually, the girl spoke, her voice as smooth as honey, a hint of mischief in her eyes,
"You can come over here if you want you know, Chat. I'm about five steps in front of you, but I can send you a map if you think you'll get lost."
The boy looked her in the eyes and managed to recover a little of his Chat Noir charm.
"B-but of course, i-if the Princess wishes so, who am I, a humble knight, to refuse her?"
He gulped as he took off his gloves, the magic of convenience making them suddenly detachable from the rest of his suit. With the gloves gone, he cleared the space between them in three strides, and slammed Marinette against the wall, his signature grin reappearing on his face. He slowly reached up and stroked her face, relishing the feeling of his bare hands on her pale skin. He opened his mouth to say so, perhaps in terms that were less polite, but the girl silenced him with a kiss, grabbing his suit at the chest and pulling him right up against her. She pushed all thoughts of Adrien firmly from her mind and wrapped her hands around Chat's neck, letting him hoist her into the air and push her against the wall again. He returned the kiss with fierce passion, as if he was trying to prove something, but what or to whom she did not know. She responded with equal passion, both of them fighting for control of the kiss. Chat eventually won by doing something that Marinette would later insist was cheating; he tickled her. When the battle was over, his hands asked for permission, which she granted, and Chat Noir slowly pushed his hand up into her bra. Then he froze, having no idea what to do next. Although he was the most desired model in Paris, his father had never let him date anyone, and he was quite new to, well, everything. So he was immensely grateful when Marinette noticed his hesitation and wrapped her small hand around his wrist to help him along. Chat was a fast learner though, and soon the bra joined the girl's t-shirt on the floor, along with his suddenly detachable leather top. The pair looked at each other, seeing their partner coated in the pale pink light of the sunrise, eyes glinting bright blue and shimmering green, and the air heavy with longing.

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