
I shook my head.

"Don't bring the storyline in when its your fault we are in this fucking mess Brock, cause remember who signed a contract to betray the person they love !"

His jaw clenched as he glared at me but instead of firing back he simply pushed past me and left.

"So his mad that you posted a picture?" Brie frowned.

"I get where his coming from. I mean his a private guy and he didn't care doing it with Charlotte cause she's nothing to him like he was using her. But here your first post with your boyfriend is with her name there . It does seem like you merely posted it to mess with her"

Everyone except Pale one was currently in the kitchen. She was a late sleeper...

"She did the same to me when she posted that picture of them months before."

I didn't want to admit that briefly when I posted it, it was to stick it to Flair...

"But" I heard Renee. "That picture with her meant nothing to him and yes she was using him but again she means nothing to him. You are his girlfriend, well kinda "

"Its just a fucking picture" I snapped and shook my head and set my plate in the dishwasher.

We were okay not even for a week.

Basically all of them were taking his fucking side. I hadn't told them all the beastly details, just that he saw it and didn't like it.

"Sis look, Brock is your guy. But you need to be careful, she's looking for things to use against you to pull him away from you because she ain't blind. Even if they don't know you guys are/were dating she can see he doesn't care to be with her. Its her vs you but so far you have been more with him in ring than her because he uses those opportunities to get to you..."

I sighed, "I get what all of you are saying but its fine guys I wasn't looking for all the opinions. You asked me where I was , I answered. "

I shrugged and walked away.

"You don't need to be a ..."

"Leave her alone Brie." Dean sighed while I disappeared into the room to shower.

While I always appreciated their advice I couldn't deal with it all.

I had Brock who was fucking bipolar.

I was angry at myself for recklessly posting the picture but then mad at him, because he was shouting at me.


It was the contract signing tonight and I was relieved as I honestly didn't feel like fighting.

"Hey." I saw Brie enter the empty gym .

"Here to call me a bitch?" I raised my eyebrow but she shook her head.

"We always say things to help you and normally you don't mind it." She frowned as she took a seat in front of me.

"I'm 32 years old. I love Brock, yes I love him. I don't need a lecture on falling too fast" I said it because none of them knew it yet and it had only been about five or six months mixed with us being unofficial, fighting and making up.

"I wasn't..."

"I know that look Brianna.." I narrowed my eyes at her as she wasn't going to lie to me right now.

"Continue Nicole..."

My head was fucking spinning cause I can't keep up with him and then its spinning because I can't keep up with myself either.

Fearlessly Loved By A Beast //BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now