Chapter Two: Eggs

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Madelyn's POV
"Just crash on the couch Two, it's late." I say pulling in the driveway and checking the time, 2:18 in the morning.
"I can always walk home Maddie."
"No, just stay on the couch, it's fine." I smile following him in the house. I grab him a sheet and some blankets.
"You got a pillow?" He asks taking off his shirt.
"Yeah." I say going into the bedroom about ot grab Dally's pillow. I take it in my hands, decide for a few minutes and throw it back on the bed. Instead I grab a different one from the closet and a pillowcase. "Here." I throw it pass the couch to him.
"Thanks." He smiles filling the case with the pillow.
"Not a problem." I reply heading into my own bedroom and shutting the door. I throw off my clothes leaving me in my bra and underwear and climb into bed. I go to roll over for Dally's comforting touch forgetting he's not there. I close my eyes roling on my back. "Damnit." Resting my hands on my forehead I start to cry. "How could you be so stupid." I whisper to myself hoping Two didn't hear me.
I don't wanna visit him in jail or prison or wherever he's gonna go, and definently not with a child or a baby, god, depending on how bad it is he could be in there for over a year or so, Dally doesn't deserve to miss out on this, maybe I can just pretend i'm not until his hearing, he doesn't need to worry about anytihng else right now.
With those thoughts in my head I fell asleep, and woke up to the sound of a crash. I shoot up in bed standing to my feet and grabbing one of Dally's shirts. As soon as I open the bedroom door I notice Two had a dropped a pan in the kitchen.
"You scared the shit outta me." I chuckle pushing hair back from my forehead and onto my head.
"Sorry, I was hungry and too lazy to go out." He says eating a piece of toast to the sound of sizzling bacon.
"Make me some will ya?" I yawn going to get dressed. He nods. I throw on a pair of jeans and just tuck in Dally's shirt and throw my hair into a messy, wavy, brown bun. When i return to the kitchen Two is sitting at the table mouth full of food. As soon as I enter the kitchen the smell of eggs hits my nose. I can feel it, fight it. I tell me myself but can't. I run to the bathroom disposing the contents of my stomach. "Shit." I whisper flushing it down and wiping my mouth. I can hear Two laugh from the other room.I stand with shaking legs.
"What was that about?" He chuckles.
"I don't know." I lie avoiding the kitchen and just grabbing an apple from the table. Thank god Two was oblivious to that.
"I'm gone." He stands grabbing his jacket and eating another piece of bacon.
"See ya." I say planting myself on the couch. He waves bye and of course he left the kitchen a mess. I groan standing and hoping he ate the eggs, but he still left some.
"Shit." I groan.

"So, after the urine test we can comfirm you are pregnant," My doctor, Dr. Wells, announces to me sitting on a small hospital bed. I lean back into it.
"Shit." I whisper under my breath. "How far along?" I ask sitting back up holding back tears.
"I'd say about 5 weeks." He smiles at me. I nod and smile.
"Thank you." I say standing again.
"Of course, you can go ahead and get the overview of the appointment from the front desk." He says holding open the door for me.
"Thank you." I smile heading over to the front desk as I grab the paperwork. As soon as I get in the car it hits me all at once. I'm pregnant, there's going to be a baby.I cant help but smile.
"A mini version of Dal and me." I giggle wiping away a tear from cheek. I sit back in the seat putting two hands on my still flat stomach. At the mention of Dallas my smile fades.
"I just hope he can be around." I sigh heavily before pulling out, and heading for the jail agai nto visit Dally. It was the same routine as last time they scanned me and checked me over for weapons or anything else before letting me in to see him where he was already waiting for me at the other side of the glass. I take a seat and pick up the other end of the phone.
"Hey baby." Dally smiles at me.
"Hey, how you doing?" I ask trying to stop tears from rushing down my cheeks.
"Honestly I'd kill for a weed." Dallas groans.
"Yeah me too." I mumble under my breath.
"Nothing." I cover. He shakes it off.
"Look, i'm sorry, i got myself into this mess but things are gonna work out princess, i promise." He says, I could tell by the way he played with his fingers he wanted to reach for my hand and so did I. I nod.
"Yeah, I hope so, for us." I sigh heavily. "Just promise when you get out, you'll get it together, please." I plead.
"Maddie, I will, I promise, why do you say that?"
"Becuase I-" I stop myself, "Because I want you to stay on this side of the glass damnit." I chuckle. He smiles.
"Yeah me too. Maddie."
Sorry this was short and a bit boring, but I promise very soon things will pick up, so I will post another chapter later today like afternoon and not 2 in the morning like this one, sorry again but I hope you still liked it, I did still like writing it, but it will get better I can promise you that.

Thanks for reading guys please vote and comment!
Stay gold mother Fluffers!

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