Tbge 3

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The next day when I arrive at school people are giving me weird stares and I'm not sure why. But whatever the case was, I didn't like it.

"Quinn!" I look at my name being called. I turn around to see Jordan rushing up to me with a smile on his face."Hey?" I smile shortly at him. "What's goin' on?" He asks starting to walk along with me. Why is he talking to me again? "Nothing." I answer with a shrug. "So.. I heard you were with Rose yesterday." He says glancing down at me. "Where did you hear that?" I ask looking at him. "Everyone. That's why they're all staring. They're amazed you're alive." He says as we come to a stop. "Well everyone needs to mind their own." I'm not sure why I jump to defence.

Jordan nods his head. "You should just be careful, if you do talk to her." He says. "Why?" I can't help but ask. Jordan shrugs a shoulder. "It's Rose Winters, she hurts everybody." He says casually and for some reason anger spikes in me at him saying that about her. 'I'd never hurt you' Rose's words repeat in my head. "Maybe because they hurt her." I say to defend Rose, I'm not sure why I am but I am. "Yeah right. All you have to do is look at her wrong." Jordan scoffs with a roll of him eyes.

I open my mouth to respond to him but someone beats me to it. "Damn straight and right now you're talking and walking all wrong." Jordan and I both turn to look at Rose standing behind him with her arms crossed and glare set on her face. "Go away." She demands of Jordan. He looks at me before looking back to Rose. "Bitch." He glares back at her. "I prefer Miss Malign." She smiles at him before he storms away.

When Rose's blank face turns back to me my mouth flys open on its own according. "I'm sorry he said that to you. That's Jordan, he started talking to me yesterday." Why did I explain that to her? She probably didn't care. "I know who he is. Don't talk to him anymore." She says quickly. I don't respond as my eyes take her in. She's wearing dark skinny jeans and a tight grey v-neck. It was a simple outfit yet she made it look magnificent, maybe it was her long slender legs that led to her perfect round butt or her curvy torso and busty chest that was revealed by her shirt that made it all the better either way, she was hot. I want to slap myself as I think that, I shouldn't be thinking that. It was a simple observation, that was it not an opinion. Yeah keep telling yourself that Quinn.

"You keep looking at me like that and I'm going to lose all self control." I'm brought back by Rose's husky voice. "L-like what?" I blush at the thought of begin caught by her thinking that way. "Like you want me to fuck you senseless." She answers bluntly then smirks when my face catches fire. "Sorry." I mutter dropping my gaze to the ground. "Don't be. I'll see you after class." She says before she walks away. My eyes follow her until she rounds a corner and is out of sight. I look around to see people staring at me but they snap their eyes away when I look at them. With a roll of my eyes at them I walk to class.

The day flys by quickly and before I know it the bell rings. I gather my stuff and stand from my seat quickly before rushing out the door. I hear Jordan calling me but I can't bring myself to stop. Not just because Rose said not to talk to him but because I was meeting with her after school, according to her. It was in the back of my mind to just run home before she could catch me. I push threw the school doors and quickly make my way to my car. I get in and start it up however my hand hovers over the shift to put myself in drive, the passenger side door opening halts the heavy debate in my head. "You weren't gonna leave were you Quinny?" Rose closes the door then looks to me with a raised eyebrow. I shake my head quickly as she cocks her head to the side. "You're a bad liar." She tells me. I look away from her and start to drive out of the parkinglot.

"Go to Savage road, it's just past the freeway." Rose instructs me. Instead of asking her where it is like yestersay I keep my eyes out for it. "You passed it." Rose speaks up suddenly. "Why didn't you tell me where it was if you knew?" I ask pulling in an empty lot to turn around. "You didn't ask." She shurgs a shoulder. I roll my eyes before I spot the street and go down it. "Park at this house up here." She points and I do as told. "You're not going to get in a fight again, are you?" I ask cautiously. "No I'm good with these people." She says getting out of the car. I turn the car off then get out after her.

She waits for me on the bottom step and when I reach her she surprises me by taking my hand. Rose walks us up the stairs and without knocking she leads us inside the house. She pulls me with her into an open room and the chatter that was going on ceases. "What's up you bums?" Rose greets the people. I look around the room. This house is much nicer and up kept than the one we went to yesterday. "Who's your friend, Rosey?" A buff guy with black hair looks me up and down. "Don't call me that, dick for brains." Rose makes a face at the guy as she leads me to an empty spot on the love seat. She pushes me down to sit then looks back over to the guy.

"Where's Hulk?" She asks him. "What do you want?" Another guy appears into the room. My eyes widen at the sight of him. This guy is huge, no wonder Rose calls him Hulk. Although it's weird to see her not intimidated by him like a normal person. "I have to speak to you." Rose says squaring her shoulders. The guy smirks at her, I don't like the look he gives her. "Okay, c'mon." He nods his head down the hall before turning around and walking back down it. Rose follows him but stops and looks back at the black haired guy, "Leave her alone or I swear to God, Chase." Rose warns before disappearing down the hall.

I'm left in the silent room with Chase and a few other people. I sit stiffly on the couch and my nerves just about shoot sky high when Chase comes over and sits next to me. "Hey, I'm Chase." He smirks at me. "Quinn." I tell him softly. Being here made me feel extremely uncomfortable and all I wished was for Rose to come back out. "That's a hot name." He says scootching closer to me. I don't reply to him as I look away.

"Man you better not even try with that." A guy says looking over at us from the television. "Or what? I know Quinn here would love to go for a ride." Chase grins at the guy as he shakes his head disapprovingly. Chase turns back to me and sets his hand on my thigh. I try to move my leg away but he tightens his grip so he's pinching me. I bite my lip to stop myself from wincing from the pain. "Wouldn't you?" He leans over me with a smirk. I cower back into the couch and turn my face away from his. "What the fuck did I say you stupid piece of shit!" I hear Rose yell before the guy is ripped off of me and thrown to the floor. Within the blink of an eye Rose starts to kick Chase in the ribs. "I said do not touch her, you stupid low life!" Rose delievers a hard kick to him with each word she grits out.

"Hey!" The Hulk guy pulls Rose back from Chase who lays curled up and groaning in pain. "I think you broke a rib, stupid bitch." Chase grunts breathlessly as he glares up at Rose. "You're lucky I don't rip your fucking dick off." Rose tries to get past Hulk to finish Chase off but the guy's like a brick wall and keeps her back. So she picks up a glass ash trey on the table and throws it at him. "Bitch!" Chase yells then groans as he holds his head and side. "Rose calm down." Hulk says grabbing Rose's shoulders. She shakes him off with a nasty glare. "Put it on a fucking leash." She spits out stepping towards me. I stand from the couch and she grabs ahold of my wrist. "If this happens again, I'll burn this damn house down." She promises the guys before dragging me out of the house. "Maybe that leash is a good idea." Hulk says.

Neither of us speak a word as we get into the car and quickly leave. I keep glancing at Rose out of the corner of my eye when we stop at a red light. She's clearly upset, her leg bounces up and down at a fast pace and she chews on a fingernail as she stares out the window in a glaring daze. I don't dare to break her from it either by asking what to do now instead, I drive us to the only place I know better than my home.

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