Here's the Deal

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So here's the deal. Everyone has a certain point that, if you ouch them to it, can send them over the edge. You need to be very careful with who you hurt. Your mistakes have consequences and those consequences can be catastrophic if you push the wrong person. Exposing one's dark side doesn't scare anyone, hiding it does. People will respect others if they tell the truth, no matter how hard it is. The truth may make you miserable at first, but it will set you free. Careful how you play your cards when you have a queen in your hand. Never push a loyal person to the point where they can no longer care. They may not say anything, but they see everything. Just because they play it cool doesn't mean they'll act a fool. They don't get played they play along. They keep their mouth shut and ears open and speak on what they choose to speak on because most of it ain't worth their time. You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at the right times, but in the end it's always their actions you should judge them by because it's actions, not words, that matter. Truth be told people know exactly what they have in other people. They were just naive to think they'd ever lose them. People aren't just toys. You can't just play with them and put them back in the box when you're done. Karma has a menu. You get served what you deserve. How you treat people is your karma. How they react is theirs. Hell is empty and all the devils are here. What happens when a person is pushed to the breaking point? That's when their dark side takes full control. Once it starts, there's almost no way to stop it. See you soon.


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