A Date To Remember

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I woke up with the sun streaming through my window. As I lay in for a while soaking in the beautiful scene I realized today was my last day in Seoul. I quickly got up and washed up before heading down.

'Want me to grab a coffee for you?' I asked as I pass by Kim's room.

'No I'm good, you go ahead' she waved.

I grabbed my jacket and muffler as it was a little chilly outside despite the sunny weather and head down to the little café which was a block away from Kim's house.
I felt in love with this café the first day Kim took me over to have our breakfast. Nothing fancy but it was cosy and relaxing.

5 minutes and I was pushing through the glass door. As I walk in, Mr Park looked up, seeing me he waved.

'Good Morning Mr.Park' I smiled and waved back.

'The usual please'

I said before walking towards my favourite spot which was the corner of the café. I liked this particular spot as it was away from the crowd. I could just sit there, look outside and watch the world go by. It always gave me a feeling of serenity for some reason.

Like any other day, I sat down and looked out. I was lost in my own world until I heard a soft yet a very masculine voice asked.

'Is the seat taken?'
'Mind if we share?'

I looked up and met with a pair of beautiful eyes and cutest smile. He was wearing a hooded jacket but I notice the soft curl around this forehead.

'No...I meant NO, it's not taken. Please go ahead' I said hurriedly and smiled back.

'Thanks' he said as he pulled out the chair opposite to me.

Just then my order came up. 'Here you go miss, 1 cup of cappuccino, bacon and one sunny-side up'

'Thanks Lee' I smiled taking the tray from him.

Lee then turn to the stranger and asked what he wanted.

'I think I'll have the same as the lady is having' said the stranger. I look up and saw him smiling. I gave him a thumbs-up to told him it was good choice and got back to eating.

'Coming up in 5' Lee said before walking back.

'Hmmmn...Hi, my name Luhan, nice to meet you' the stranger smiled and puts out his hand.

'Hi yourself, Suri here. Nice to meet you too' I replied shaking his hand.

'You come here often?' he asked looking at me.

'Hmmn not really' I replied.
'Actually I don't stay here, I just came here for couple of days to visit my best friend. This my last day in Seoul' I told him.

'But yes, I've been coming to this café since I got here. I kind of fell in love with this little café' I laugh.

'How about you?' I asked.

'Well, this my first time. I was out for my morning run and notice this cafe yesterday. So, I came to check it out. I think I'm already liking it, its cosy and private' he said.

A Date to remember | Luhan [EXO] Where stories live. Discover now