9 | 4th of July = Fireworks

Start from the beginning

"Aw. But maybe that's a sign. A sign that you should tell her sooner rather than later, Ross." My mom ends up whispering by the end as Laura comes over to us, a smile on her face.

"Come on, Ross. Stop being a momma's boy for a while." She teases, standing on my other side. "Play football with us." She adds, looking up at me. God, I love her. "Please?" She adds, sticking her bottom lip out. Playfully I roll my eyes and then kiss my moms head before hopping off.

"Please tell them dinner will be ready in five minutes, you two." My mom says, walking back towards the two main motorhomes where we have all four picnic tables were set up.

"Will do, Stormie!" Laura says, turning around. Without thinking, I grab underneath Laura's thighs and pick her up, hearing her screech and feeling her arms wrap tightly around my neck and her legs wrap around my torso. "Ross!" She yelps. Laughing, I begin to run to the others. First off, both of us are practically naked, so that got my heartbeat racing. Second, Laura's fucking wrapped around me, pressing us up against each other with absolutely no space. And last, her laugh is making me high or drunk, sorta kinda both I guess.

"Dinner will be done in like five minutes." I announce, setting Laura back into the sand. Just when Gil scores a touchdown, Aunt Angie calls us all over for dinner. We're having burgers or hot dogs with some fruit and some french fries. I take a seat in between Ryland and Laura.

• • •

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Hey, come lay with me. I feel so alone right now.

It's dark now, nearing ten o'clock, fireworks were exploding in the sky and all of us were laying in the sand with blankets. Except, I've been laying by myself. Honestly, I came here to hang out with Laura, I mean I'm not trying to sound like a control freak, but she's spent literally all her time with the girls. I get it, she's trying to make new friends and she's already friends with my family, but I guess I'm kinda disappointed?

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
I don't even know where you are.

It's true, I don't know where the hell she was. It's pitch black out, except for when a huge firework goes off near by, then some light shines on us, but honestly, all I know is my parents are to my right and Rydellington and Jackson are too my left.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
I'm by Taylor and Ryland.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
Laura, I don't know where Ry and Tay are.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
Are you mad at me or something?

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
No. Why?

From Laura🤓❤️😘:
I don't know, you just seam off.

To Laura🤓❤️😘:
Shine your flash light on your phone, I'll find you
that way.

From Laura🤓❤️😘:

With that said, I stand up with my blanket and look to my left, then my right, and see Laura like fifty feet away from me. Sighing, I be careful not to step of anyone or anything as I make my way towards Laura. I plop down beside her, getting close enough to where my legs hit hers, but I distance our faces and upper body.

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