Prophecy of Power. Chapters 1-10.

Start from the beginning

"Really, why? I mean I know why, he treats her like complete crap, but she always just took his shit. God he is such an ass sometimes." Bo couldn't hide how proud she was of Lauren for sticking up for herself. "Do you remember what she said to him?"

"Yeah I remember the gist of it. She tells him that he has always treated her like shit, which has only gotten worse since you arrived. Oh I remember word for word the best bit, she says..." Kenzi can't help but laugh as she remembers the doctors words. "You have done everything besides piss on her leg to mark her yours. It was fucking hilarious. Then she proceeded to tell him to piss off until he starts to treat her better than something he would scrape from his shoe. Dyson was completely pissed off and gob smacked and left without saying a word. You would have loved it. Though I'm pretty sure Dyson was pretty upset with what he saw on the tape. I don't think he ever considered Lauren as a threat for your affections, I think his ego got a little bruised. There is one positive thing I can say about dark bad ass Bo, she knew who her true feelings were for."

"Kenzi," Bo says as a warning not to go there.

"Bo you have been bouncing backwards and forwards between them forever. It's not fair on either of them. Are you going to sit there and tell me that you are in love with both of them? Be honest Bo, truly honest."

Bo sighs but doesn't say anything. "What happened next Kenzi?"

"Okay fine bobolicious, but we will be revisiting that subject soon, I mean it, no more having your cake and eating it too. So I go to Egypt with Lauren, we find an ancient remedy to cure the darkness and we come home, exhausted and covered in sand. I hate sand, I never want to see sand again for as long as I live. It gets everywhere; I'm still finding it."

"How did you find out I was at the club?" Bo asks.

"Shani left Hot Pants a note to call her, she told us where to find you. She had seen the texts we had sent you and knew that the Doc doesn't mess around. So she decided to let Lauren know that you were okay. We went to the club; you went succustalker on Lauren. We brought in Shani to help lure you back to the Docs house. You know what happened after that."

"But how did you cure me, did you put something in my drink or what?"

"No Bo... I thought you realised that it was you feeding from Lauren that cured you. She drank the elixir and then offered herself to you. She said it was the only way, so she did it. End of story."

"Yeah except for the fact that I completely destroyed everything I had with Lauren. Let's recap what I did shall we," Bo says getting more and more upset and agitated by the second. "First I attack Lauren in her home, then I feed on her and nearly choke her to death. I then spend several days abusing her emotionally before finally topping it off by actually killing her. How am I supposed to face her after that Kenzi. She is terrified of me, I should completely remove myself from her life. I'm a monster Kenz and I always will be."

"Bo I know this is what you do, you feel guilty about everything. It wasn't in your control. Lauren knows that, she just needs time to get over the trauma. She loves you Bo Bo. She just needs time."

"I don't deserve her, she's better off without me,"

"I'm going to visit Lauren tomorrow Bo, I want to make sure she is actually doing okay. I just can't tell when I talk to her on the phone, she has been talking to me in that controlled professional doctor voice of hers. It will be okay Bo, I promise." Kenzi shifts closer to the succubus, opening her arms wide. Bo allows her best friend to hold and comfort her as she cries herself to sleep.

Chapter 2


"Wakey wakey, my sleepy little succubus. It's nearly noon," Kenzi says as she jumps up onto Bo's bed, bouncing up and down until her friend groans in displeasure.

Prophecy of Power. Sequel to Primal Urges.Where stories live. Discover now