Chapter four

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"So whereabouts are we headed?" I asked; I didn't know since I was the last to find out about the mission.

"Orochimaru was last seen in the Land of Rivers. It's said he was with a person who-" Itachi paused as he pulled out a scroll and read the description. "-largely resembled a giant turtle."

I muffled a snicker and heard Hana do so too; you just can't hear Itachi say something like that and then not laugh. It's impossible, even if you are an incredibly skilled ANBU like, I dunno, Hatake Kakashi. I bet even he would laugh at that.

I saw the ghost of a smirk cross Itachi's expression. See! Even skilled ANBU find it funny!

"They were both said to be wearing a uniform of a black cloak with a red cloud pattern." my eyes narrowed.

"Akatsuki." I had done a lot of research on those people. It is said that there are only about six members at the moment, but they have already started collecting Bijuu. Which means that Naruto is in danger. And I won't stand for that.

Itachi nodded at me, and I could feel sympathy emanating from all three of my comrades. I ignored it, focusing on my path.

If I could have it my way, I would crush every member of that organisation with my bare hands. Either that, or cut them up into little pieces, saving the vital parts for last so that they would feel it all.

"But the aim of this mission is not the Akatsuki." I was brought from my deranged, violent fantasies at the words. "It is to gather intel on Orochimaru, and, if possible, capture him. Nothing else." Itachi gave me a look as he said that, and I grimaced.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Jeez, I'm ANBU, I'm capable of following orders, Taichou." I smirked at Itachi as I called him 'captain', and I could feel his disgust at the title, though he hid it well.

We continued with the mission briefing as we ran, then stopped and set up camp as night fell. We couldn't go any further for the time being; we would be crossing the border soon, and that land's ninja would think that we were spies to assassinate the Kazekage or the Feudal lord or something.

As Itachi and Fiore set up the fire, I went down to a nearby stream and collected some water. It was running (the stream, that is) and the water was clear and free of parasites, so it was okay to drink, but we would have to boil it, just to be safe.

Crouching down, I dipped my finger in the cold water, watching the tracks it made as the water pushed around it.

Standing up, I slipped off my sandals, and stepped into the water, curling my toes against the cold. It was a rock bed, so I would have to be careful so as not to slip.

"Kaoru-chan? What's taking so long?" caught completely off guard, I jumped out of my skin, and slipped. Next thing I knew, someone grabbed me in an attempt to catch me, but clearly hadn't anticipated the slippery rock floor, and we both fell in, me on top of the person who had tried to catch me.

I shivered, opening my eyes, only to stare straight into Itachi's onyx ones. My face stained a bright, almost luminous red, and I scrambled backwards off of him, only succeeding in falling into the water on my ass and getting us both more wet.

"Sorry!" I squeaked, hiding my blush in my hands, not noticing him move until he was standing right in front of me. He wore a strange, frowning smile, seemingly amused by the irony of the situation, even though his clothes were sodden and his long bangs were sticking to his face.

He offered me his hand, and I took it greatfully, letting him pull me up and help me out of the stream. I shivered as the breeze danced over my now-soaked body, shaking my head to lose some of the water from my hair, and letting go of Itachi's hand to ring out my new, single-sleeved shirt. Luckily I had taken my ANBU vest off when we set up camp; those things were hell to wash.

I was still repeatedly shivering by the time we got back to camp (with my collected water, I might add), and were greeted by the stares of Hana and Fiore. Then they burst out laughing, literally rolling on the floor, and Fiore wheezed; "What were you two doing?!"

I blushed once more at what they were insinuating, and glared at them, still shivering. "It's not funny! I'm freezing!"

But that just made them laugh harder.

Growling, I pulled off my shirt and hung it on a tree branch near the fire, leaving me in my fishnet and sodden shorts. That shut Fiore up all right. I then went and sat in front of the fire.

* * *

It didn't take long for me and my shirt to dry, and I soon found myself getting too hot, so I went and sat cross-legged against one of the many trees in the clearing, away from the fire.

After a few minutes, I started getting cold again, so, spying Itachi, I went over and sat beside him. I was tired; his calm persona didn't waste my energy. I couldn't be bothered with all those strong emotions Hana and Fiore emanated.

He just glanced at me, then continued gazing at the stars.

"What's up?" he asked, and I smiled, releasing a quiet, breathy laugh.

"Nothing much. Just getting tired." he seemed to understand, and nodded. I pulled my knees up to my chest, watching the stars.

I wonder if they're up there... Mom... Dad... I wonder if they are watching over me and Naruto.

Well, if they are, I hope I've done them proud.

With that in mind, I laid my head back against the tree trunk, and fell asleep.

Fourth chapter done! Sorry it's short, but I couldn't think of anything to write other than the plot.

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