Hullo Finland!

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Hello my name is (F/N) (L/N) I'm from (C/N) [that means country name] and I'm temporarily moving to Finland for a student exchange program in college. I'm going to the Pop and Jazz Conservatory of Helsinki, Finland. A nice man named Tino and his husband Berwald were kind enough to let me stay with them. I almost forgot to mention their son, Peter, and their three brothers, Matthias, Lukas, and Emil. I walked into the main room after grabbing my luggage and saw little Peter sitting on Berwald's shoulders holding a sign that said 'Welcome to Finland (F/N)!' I smiled and walked quickly towards them and then I saw Tino holding another sign that said 'Miranda Sellana' on it.

'Oh not that bitch' I thought to myself. Miranda had bullied me a lot in high school the first three years until I became home schooled my senior year. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't want to be rude. I forced a polite smile and walked the rest of the way towards them. As they saw me get closer to them Berwald put Peter down and took the sign from him. Right after the colorful handmade sign left his little hands he ran towards me and jumped. Not wanting him to fall and injure himself I dropped my bags and caught him, after that he started taking faster than a bullet.

"My name's Peter! Wow you're really pretty! Did you have a nice flight? Do you like video games? I love video games! Can I call you big sister?"

"Uh... what?" I asked not sure if I heard correctly.

"I asked if I could call you big sister!" He repeated with a huge smile. he seemed to be a sweet, sensitive, and energetic little boy and I felt that if I said no that I would break his heart. Besides every kid should have a big sister in their life so I said yes. Then suddenly I heard it. The sounds of babies screeching, the cries of the damned burning in hell, and the Devil's laughter- oh wait it's just Miranda. She was on the phone laughing to what I guess is one of her friends, when she noticed me beside Tino and the sign he was holding. At that moment she smirked and whispered something into the phone before promptly putting it into her purse. She walked over to us her 8-inch heels clicking the whole way making me want to pound her face in even more (I'm not a violent person I promise).As soon she was sure all of the Nordic family could see her she started to act like the goody two shoes she wasn't.

"Oh hello! My name's Miranda it is so nice to meet you all!" She smiled showing off her perfect white teeth. I glared at her but immediately stopped when she looked at me, that's when I saw a glint of mischievousness and hatred in her eyes.

"I know you! What was your name again?" she exclaimed acting as if she didn't ruin my life in highschool.

"It's (F/N). (F/N) (L/N). I'm surprised you could forget." I said still trying to be polite.

"Oh that's right!" she then swung her arm around my shoulders and pulled me really close to her. "Me and (F/N) used to be pretty close in highschool, that is until she became home schooled and I just sort of forgot about her! But we're together now so we can become 'friends' all over again."

That's when my heart shattered. She's going to ruin my life all over again and this time I can't run away. I'm stuck. I'm trapped. I am utterly fucked.

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