[0.4 - family ties]

Start from the beginning

"She's not here." Sophia stated as she came walking down the stairs. Sophia had gotten quite distant over the last couple of days. She was always in her room and never came out. The only time she would come out was when their mom had made dinner.

"Where did she go?" Jack asked his younger sister as he fell back into the couch. Sophia went to go sit next to him as she sighed.

"She said something about visiting someone in the hospital. I'm not sure who but it seemed to be really important to her." Sophia explained as she fiddled with her brown hair. That was something else that bugged Jack, where had he inherited his platinum blonde hair?

From the few photos of his father from when he was a teen, his father had brown hair also. His family were all brunettes except for Jack, he pondered whether this had to do with how he was able to create snow.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sophia asked her older brother, becoming a bit concerned for him. Yes, she had been distant lately due to certain things becoming clear for her, but she noticed that he was as well.

"Not really." Jack admitted as he groaned into his hands.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know we don't really talk often but I'm still your sister and all."

Jack smiled as he grabbed his sister and began to hug her. She soon began to hug him back and sighed into his chest, she felt a bit better after he met her go.

"Do you ever find it strange how mom doesn't like talking about dad very often? We barely know anything about the guy, and I feel like there's something more we need to know." Jack stated. He wanted to know if their mother had actually left due to their father being something. Something that would explain what Jack had possessed. 

"Due to recent events, I feel the same way." Sophia said, having a sad smile on her face. "I mean, maybe that's why we moved here. Maybe dad is in this town, somewhere."

Before Jack could respond, their mom came in with bags of groceries in her hands. The two Frost children stood up as they helped their mom with the bags.

"Thanks," Rebecca said as she began to put away the groceries she bought. "Did I interrupt a bonding time between you two?"

"We were just talking about dad."
Sophia bluntly stated as she helped put away groceries as well. Rebecca froze as she turned to look at her children.

"What." Rebecca asked, feeling a bit anxious at the news.

"Yeah, we just felt like there's something that you aren't telling us about him." Sophia explained as Jack turned towards her. Since when had she become blunt and uncaring for their mothers feelings?

"Soph, stop." Jack warned, not wanting to hurt their mother's feelings.

"Why? We deserve to know why he isn't with us. We deserve to know why we are both different. I deserve to know who my father is!" Sophia cried as she ran out the kitchen up to her room. She slammed the door as she began to think of why their mother had left their father. It wasn't fair that Jack had managed to spend time with both parents while she hadn't.

"I'm sorry, mom." Jack apologized as he ran after his sister and left Rebecca alone in the kitchen. Rebecca sighed at the thought of her children knowing who their father is. She knew that one day her children would want to know who their father was, but she expected it to be later on in life. If only they knew that she kept it hidden away just for their own safety.

Meanwhile, upstairs Jack knocked continuously on his sister's door for her to open up. Sophia refused and Jack swore he heard a few sniffles and the sound of some dog inside her room. Becoming a bit worried for his sister, he decided just to enter. What he saw surely surprised him and made him really want to know who their father was.

Sophia was hunched over and as she looked up at her brother, she had sprouted sharp teeth and hair on her face. A few tears were still on her face but Jack realized that their father really was something supernatural. Jack was some kind of snow maker while Sophia was a werewolf.

author's note:

And that's a wrap.

And a little self promo here but I got tons of new stories up! It would be rad if you guys would read them! (:

You guys could probably guess who their father is at this point but more chapters to come!

Also! Fact:
4. Jack lowkey likes Nicholas Spark books and movies. They're his guilty pleasure.

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Joss is out.

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