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"Can you believe you were going to marry Cat if she hadn't abandoned you at the altar?" Dan laughed. Him and Phil were walking hand in hand down the street, occasionally meeting the gaze of some viewers who excitedly elbowed each other and asked for a selfie.
"Yeah, it's mad." Phil smiled. "Look at us now." He waved his hand in Dan's face showing him the ring, and in response Dan showed him his. They had gotten married just a month previous, and gotten back from their honeymoon this week. They visited all of Italy, from Milan to Rome, Siena, Florence, Venice and more. It had been absolutely stunning and they had the time of their lives.
"After all we have been through, it's crazy to think that had you not created a YouTube channel we wouldn't be here, we wouldn't have met, we wouldn't have this."
"I know."
They walked around for a couple of hours with no real intention of going somewhere specific: they just wanted to be with each other.
"For fuck's sake." Dan exclaimed when it started chucking down with rain.
"Language, Daniel, language."
"Fuck you." Phil laughed, and they both started speed walking/running home.
"Well that was fun." Phil commented as he twisted shirt to make all of the water it had absorbed fall to the ground. "Wow Phil, sarcasm, since when has that been added to your vocabulary?" Dan chuckled and changed his wet clothes into dry ones.
"Since I married you."
"Makes sense."
They sat on the couch to watch a movie together, completely content with each other's presence and completely over any problems they had with each other in the past. This was it; happiness. They had found it and were embracing it at its fullest. This was the most fun they ever had, and they couldn't wait to grow old together and live this next period of their life in a fully joyful way.
"I love you." Dan turned around to face Phil who blushed and smiled. "I love you too." He placed his hand on top of Dan's and they kept watching the movie, smiling.


Dan woke up to find the bed empty. Phil wasn't there. He called him from upstairs a couple of times but he was nowhere to be seen. He looked around but he couldn't figure out where he was. This wasn't his and Phil's apartment. As he went to the bathroom to wash his face, he almost jumped when he saw his reflection. This wasn't 30 year-old Dan. He looked like he was 80, maybe even older than that. He touched his face, not believing what he saw. He glanced at the empty bed, at the fact there were none  of Phil's things in the apartment, at the absence of the ring on his finger. "It was a dream." He whispered. And it was. The whole thing. From Phil and Cat's wedding to their own, it had all been one massive dream. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. "Phil!" He called out. There was, of course, no answer. Memories rushed back of what actually happened in these years, and of the fact him and Phil had never been together and had stopped talking to each other when they were in their twenties. Phil had met a girl and moved in her place and Dan remained alone. But why was he so bothered by this only now? Obviously he had always loved Phil, since the day they met. But why was he so agitated by it now? The dream had made his unstable, he was shaking and he kept calling out Phil's name. He started to cry. He cried for a life he had wasted, a life he would never share with the person he loved, for being a coward. He punched the mirror repeatedly, blood dripping from the open cut in his hand. He didn't bother bandaging it. Dan hadn't seen Phil for more than 50 years, for they had completely lost any contacts they had with each other. He felt a sudden shock of pain in his head and held onto the sink so he wouldn't fall. He was almost blinded for the amount of suffering he was in, and could hardly stand up straight. Slowly, the pain became diminished until it was only a dull ache. He blinked a couple of times, unsure on what had just happened. Dan slowly walked into the kitchen of a place he barely recognized now, the dirty dishes left in the sink from far too long. He grabbed his laptop which, surprisingly, he still managed to use just fine. He slowly typed in 'Phil Lester', and thousands of results immediately came rushing onto the screen. A recent news article caught his eye: Phil Lester's wife passed away in her sleep on Monday the 14th of July.
He checked the date; July 17th. This really was recent. He looked at some photos of Phil and couldn't help but notice that, although he was old of age, he still looked wonderful to him. He unconsciously stroked the open cuts on his hand that were still, in fact, bleeding. He wanted to see Phil, to see him one last time. He stood up, almost as if he had no control whatsoever over his body, and headed towards the entrance. He got the house keys and moved outside, into the streets. His body kept leading him to the end of the road and made him abruptly turn left. This went on for about 45 minutes and only then he realized only then he had no idea how to go back home, what his home address was or where he was going. But then he spotted someone at the very end of the road, throwing out the trash into the bins. As he got nearer, he noticed more and more features of the person until finally he called out: "Louise? Is that you?" And then the atrocious pain in his head
came back and he fell backwards as he heard Louise scream his name.

Hello kids
It's me, I'm back.
Believe it or not, I knew the second I started writing this story that this would more or less be the outcome, that the whole thing would be a dream.
There aren't many chapters left, in fact I think I will make about 3 more or something like that. I haven't been very happy with this phanfic lately because I feel like I haven't been putting much thought or time into it and I don't feel it is very well written :/
Once it is over, however, I am planning to start a new one. I am not sure if it will be another phanfic or just plain fiction, but I do enjoy overall writing on wattpad so I want to continue somehow. Have a great day/week/month/year, and yeah bye

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