Hospital bed.

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"It's been a month Doctor, what happens next?"
"We wait."
"But we can't just wait here and not do anything! I need him in my life Doctor, I need Phil."

As Dan's voice echoed through the hallways, Phil listened. It was all he could do now. He wanted to wake up so badly, but something in his body was making him stay right where he was, in that hospital bed.
When he listened to Dan talk, he could picture every moment he spoke about so clearly in his mind. It was as if he was reliving everything once more, just one more time. Oh, how he longed to hug Dan again, just to feel his warm breath on his neck and his heart beating quickly against him. It had been years since that sweet sensation, and yet it was something he had never forgotten, and probably never will. He had to get up somehow. Phil tried with all of his strength to move, but nothing was happening. He sighed internally. This wouldn't work, there had to be another way. Couldn't the doctors do something more to help him instead of "waiting"? Apparently not. I guess at this point all he could do was indeed wait.

"He hasn't been responding to your cures, he was supposed to wake up by now!"
"I have never told you it was certain he would wake, Mr.Howell. If you recall, I told you there is a possibility years could pass, perhaps he might never..."
"Oh don't you give me that bullshit. Do something. Anything."
"I'm afraid there is physically nothing I can do."
Dan screamed in frustration, and went into Phil's room without saying another word.
Dan stopped in his tracks.
"Unless what?"
"There might be one thing we can try to do."
Dan looked at the Doctor straight in the eyes.
"Then do it."
"But it involves some risks."
"What kind of risks?" Dan asked, while sitting down on a chair.
"If this goes wrong... He might die."

There were a few minutes of silence, while Dan looked at Phil and sighed.
"I couldn't put him through that." He whispered.

"To wait is the better option, Mr.Howell, believe me."
"I do believe you."

The doctor went out of the room, and Dan was alone with Phil. He stroked his hand repeatedly, hoping it would do something to wake him.

"Remember when you first told me Cat was your girlfriend? I was on the verge of tears, but I said nothing. Remember when you spent every day with her and not talking to me? I said nothing. Remember when you told me you were going to marry her? I said nothing. You moved out, I said nothing. But now I am going to bloody say something Phil. I love you, and I want you to wake up so I can tell you. Please, please, please wake up."

He heard a knock on the door, but didn't move. He didn't have the strength to do so. A couple of seconds later the door opened.

"I get it Doctor, you can't do anything and the best thing is to wait, can you please go away now?"

"Uhm, it's me."
Dan quickly got on his feet.
"Cat? What are you doing here?"
"I-i came here to see how he was."
"How do you think he is? He has been lying in bed with a coma for the last month after swallowing a ridiculous amount of pills. Honestly Catherine, your timing is impeccable as always."

Cat stood by the door for a while, not saying anything. Then she spoke.

"I just wanted to apologize."
"I'm probably not the one you should be apologizing to, Cat. Who you should be apologizing to is now lying lifeless in a hospital bed. As I said, your timing is impeccable."
Dan was furious. Why did she even bother to come at all?
"I wanted to apologize to you, mostly. Phil and I didn't love each other, not really. I knew I wasn't the one for him, like I now know you are."
Dan looked at the ground.
"You don't have to talk to me, I don't expect you to. Just please hear me out."
Dan slowly nodded.
"The day I met Phil, I was heartbroken. My boyfriend back then had broke up with me with no explanation whatsoever. When he told me he had something to tell me, I thought he was going to propose at first." She laughed, but with no emotion.
"That's how close we were. I demanded he told me the reason, but he wouldn't say. Then about two weeks later he texted me, telling me we should meet up in a bar and he would tell me anything I wanted to know. But he didn't show up. And then Phil came and sat at my table. He was such a nice person, he almost made me forget my boyfriend for the time we talked. And when we became close friends and when eventually I became his girlfriend, that was still how I thought of him: as a nice person. I loved him as you would love your best friend, but not much more."
"You used him." Dan said, disgusted.
"Absolutely not! At the time that's what I thought love was, because i had never really experienced it, not like that. I realized what love was when I looked at you. I could see, even though you didn't speak, that you loved Phil more than anything else in the world. And as time passed, I came to realize he loved you too." She sighed.
"So here I am, apologizing. To you and to Phil. But I need you to understand, for how impossible it may sound, that I did it for your sake."
Dan didn't speak, but just looked at Phil. Cat smiled, and started walking towards the door.
"You're leaving?"
"I'll leave you two alone. And don't worry. I'm certain he will wake one of these days."
"Did you hear that Phil? Listen to her and listen to me, and bloody wake up."


Wow it's been a while since I uploaded. Well hello to everyone who is still reading this phanfiction and keeping up with it even though I am useless. I thank you all for that.
I am going to use this for self promo (won't you look at that), so here is my Instagram:
You can all follow me there to see the pictures of my boring life.
So yeah cool bye

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