{Chapter Five}

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Time Skip: The Next Day

*3rd Person's P.O.V.*

Dark brown eyes with tiny specks of green opened just as several rays of light managed to seep through the small gap in between the curtains. A yawn escaped her mouth as Raiya sat up, stretching her arms and back to pop off the kinks. She lifted her hand to rub the sleep from her eyes and glanced at her clock. She groaned when she saw "8:00" flashing in neon green. She shook her head and got up, grabbing her clothes for the day, before entering her bathroom. She took a quick shower and got dressed then headed downstairs to the dining room.

She slid down the banister, ending with a somersault and perfectly landing on both feet. Ryder passed by and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Show off."

"You're just jealous that I'm better than you," Raiya sassed, flipping her hair. She paused when she realized what she just did, her eyes growing bigger as her jaw dropped.

Crap, she's spending way too much time with Shannel and Louis. She does actual flips, not hair flips.

Her brother laughed at her mortified expression and draped his arm on her shoulder, pushing her towards the kitchen.

"You, my dear младшая сестра, are spending way too much time with those two девчушки принцесс," Ryder joked, ruffling her hair before taking his seat. Raiya glared at the older raven-haired boy, sitting down on her own seat while fixing her hair.

"Has Ryder finally fully learned the Russian language?" Erin asked, genuinely curious, as she walked into the room. Everyone seated at the table laughed as Ryder flipped her off, to which Erin just stuck her tongue out. Elisse slapped the backside of her only son's head, reprimanding him.

"Do that again and I will burn all your comic books and video games," Elisse threatened. Ryder shook his head rapidly, his eyes widening, making everyone laugh again. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I got it," Raiya said, getting up from her seat after taking a bite of her pancakes. She opened the door and was suddenly yanked outside. On instinct, she threw her fist at her attacker, who immediately let go of her to cup their nose. She was about to land another killer punch when she realized who grabbed her.

"Ow! What the hell?!"

"I told you this was a bad idea."

"Oh, crap!" she cursed when she saw the extremely red nose Louis was sporting.

"Why am I always the one you hit? Why don't you punch Shannel for a change?" he whined, moving his nose around, wincing at the slight pain. Shannel rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Well, I'm not stupid enough to always surprise her like that when I know she would give me a black eye," she drawled as Louis pouted, touching his nose.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic! It's not broken!"

"You better hope not or else I'm going to kick your ass," he threatened, glaring at Raiya. He shrunk back when Raiya sent him her own icy glare, raising one eyebrow. "Or, maybe you'll kick my ass."

"Oh, please. She'd whoop your ass if only you weren't her best friend," Shannel scoffed as they entered the house to get ice for Louis' nose.

"Honey, who was at the door?" Elisse shouted from the kitchen, a bit worried.

"Just Shannel and Louis!" Raiya shouted back, leading them to the kitchen.

"Oh! Good to se- did Raiya punch you again cause you scared her?" Elisse asked, already searching for the ice pack in the freezer. She grabbed it and tossed it to Louis, seeing his extremely red nose. Raiya glared at her mother for making such accusations.

"I wasn't scared." Elisse snorted.

"Alright, if you say so," she drawled, before facing Shannel. "So what brings you two here?"

"We have a surprise for Raiya," Shannel answered, nudging Raiya's arm with her elbow. "Can we borrow her for the day?"

"Go ahead. She needs to get out of the house for once. I'm so sick of seeing her face all day," Erica shrugged, waving her hand as if shooing them away. An offended look appeared on Raiya's face, slightly hurt at her sister's words.

"They were asking mom, not you, princesa," she snapped at the blonde, glaring at her.

"Alright, alright! No fighting, especially not in front of your sister," Richard interjected, ever the peacemaker of the family. The youngest blonde rolled her eyes at her parents' overprotectiveness. She wasn't a child anymore; she wasn't as innocent.

"Yes, you may borrow her. Erica was right when she said she needs to go out more," Elisse said, nodding at the two with a motherly smile. Shannel and Louis cheered, quickly grabbing Raiya and dragging her towards the car, Louis passing back the ice pack to Elisse.

"Thanks, Mama E!" they shouted before closing the door behind them. Raiya pouted as she was pushed into the backseat while Shannel slid in the driver's seat with Louis next to her.

"Where are we going?" she asked, realizing she can't get out of this. The two cheerleaders just looked at each other with mischievous smiles, leaving Raiya clueless and slightly scared. "Guys?"

They stayed quiet with those same unsettling smiles. Raiya remained quiet for the rest of the ride, eventually falling asleep halfway through. 

*Skip the Drive*

"Wake up!" Raiya jumped up, surprised at the loud sound, and hit her head at the roof of the car. She groaned in pain, rubbing the top of her head.

"Karma," Louis sing-songed, a smug smirk on his face. Raiya mocked him, making a face. She got out of the car, still rubbing the sore spot on her head, and looked around. She raised an eyebrow, the place unfamiliar to her yet it reminded her of something.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked, facing her two best friends. They raised 3 pieces of paper in response. Raiya's eyebrows scrunched in confusion, her hand reaching out to inspect the paper properly when she saw that the pieces of paper were tickets. But not just any tickets, Basketball Finals tickets. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"No way," she managed to breath out. "No way!"

"Yes way!" Louis screamed as Raiya squealed again.

"Dude! These were sold out! How'd you get these?" Raiya asked, bouncing in her spot as they waited in line.

"A magician never reveals his secret," Shannel smirked, winking at her excited friend. She wasn't as into basketball as her two other friends were, she didn't see the appeal of watching 10 players just run back and forth on a court, but she would tolerate this if she got to see Raiya this happy.

They finally reached the front of the line and entered the arena, searching for their seats after getting as much food as they could. Raiya and Louis squealed as the game started. Shannel couldn't help but laugh at her friends as they booed and cheered the whole game which garnered a few odd looks from some fans.

What they didn't notice was a pair of familiar eyes watching them, just a few rows above them, with a smile on their lips.



"... little/younger sister... girly princesses." -Ryder (Russian)


Heyo gals and guys! I finally update again!

Sorry, it's been a while I updated. Was busy for the past few days and I had a bit of a writer's block. So annoying 😑. But anyways, hope y'all enjoy this and sorry for any mistakes.

Until the next time I update! Hope y'all have wonderful day! 😁

P.S. This my shortest chapter and it's not even that short. Lol!


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