Chapter 10

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Standing with my back pressed up against the door I breathed a sigh of relief, a sudden surge of cold air escaped my lungs. It was strangely quiet. What had just happened?
Suddenly the door swung open and knocked me over onto the wheelchair.
A strong current of wind bellowed out of the room and hundreds of black shadows flew towards me.
Grabbing onto the handles of the wheelchair I pushed Chloe along the hallway and ran as fast as I could.
The shadows swarmed around me like bees in a trap.
Voices began whispering cryptic words into my ears which I couldn't understand.

Running down the hallway they got louder and angrier.
How much longer would I have to keep running?
I wasn't even sure I was in the same coriddor I was in earlier.
Chloe started wailing as her head turned rapidly from side to side.

"We are going to get out of here, just wait."

I was a few steps away from reaching the door to reality when I felt an odd sensation in my ears.
It felt as if dozens of tiny creatures were climbing into them or at least it felt as if they were.
I shook my head to try and get them out but they seemed lodged deep inside.
Finally we reached the huge metal doors which I opened to lead us out.
We made our way to the reception area where the elderly woman from the night before was standing.

"Girls you're leaving already?"

"Too right we are" I shouted in reply as I made my way to the front doors.
I took a deep breath of fresh air as I stepped outside.

The sky was pitch black and the stars shed little light upon the village square. It was eerily quiet. I wasn't even sure of the time, this evenings events seemed to have passed in a blur. As I wheeled Chloe towards her car I passed a man walking his dog.
He didn't once look over or acknowledge us.

Upon reaching the car I got Chloe out of the chair and put her in the passenger seat. I had driving lessons years ago but never got round to taking a test so hoped we wouldn't get stopped on the way to Jades. That would be the best place to go now seeing as we were almost at hers.
I managed to get the engine running and took off without stalling.
We drove out of the disturbing village and onto the main road.

According to the directions I'd been given we were thirty minutes away from her house. I looked over at Chloe, she was staring directly ahead at the road. As I turned back I saw a car speeding towards us.

"Shit!" I swerved the car back into the right lane and regained control.

My breath grew raggid with fear as I realised the danger we both could of been in then if I hadn't kept my eyes on the road. The further away from the village we went the more Chloe seemed to come back to her usual self.
I went over what had happened and asked if she remembered any of it, which she simply replied with no.
Concerned I carried on driving until we finally reached our destination.

The house was incredibly stunning; modern, red bricked but with an old fashioned charm. Even from the outside it seemed to harbour such beauty. I stopped the car on the gravel driveway and parked it beside two others. The red one I recognised as Jades but the blue one didn't look familiar. We got out and headed towards the front door. Before reaching it I could see in through the lounge window. I saw Jade and Andrew sitting down on a cream sofa, they were hugging and he seemed to be consoling her. She looked anxious.
A man was standing in the doorway on his phone and I spotted a woman who I presumed was Jades friend Anna, she didn't seem happy either.
What had happened here?

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