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"It wasn't supposed to be like this . This wasn't supposed to happen . " I cried with my arms around my knees . "Then how was it supposed to be ? Please tell me ! "he shouted . I winced and began to sob loudly once again . I'm no longer alive , why do I still feel all this pain ?

Alex Martin . That's my name , it's simply Alex . Nothing else is simple about me . I'm a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that never stop . I'm complicated and confused they say . By "they" I mean the many psychologists I have visited . Honestly I think their job is to find some thing wrong with me so I don't mind . There's something wrong with all of us . What I did now proves to me that maybe there's something REALLY wrong with me . I pay for what I did everyday in this terrible place . All I can hear in my sleep is his voice . " How was it supposed to be ? " He haunts me in my sleep , that's the only time I can be with him even if it's replaying that terrible night . He was so angry . It wasn't always like that .

It was around Christmas time when I met him . I always thanked the heavens for bringing him to me at such a perfect time . It was a party for the holidays and most of my classmates were talking about it days before . Megan Williams was the one hosting it at and she had made sure to tweet about it a million times so everyone would go . I didn't get it . I wouldn't want random kids from my school at my house but she really loved to party . When she asked me if I would be going I smiled and said of course I would go . That's only after I found out she would have a table full of food . That's where I was when I met him . Stacking Mac and cheese bites onto my plate , while I bopped my head to a song I didn't know the name of but surprisingly knew the lyrics . " Leave some for the rest of us." I heard a voice say over my shoulder . I turned towards it and laughed . " I've only had a few ." I defended myself showing there were only four on my plate . I didn't mention I had already had 2 pizza slices as well . He laughed and reached over to grab some as well. Then he just walked off with Mac and cheese bites in his hands leaving me awkwardly alone . I sighed and put my plate down . Everyone was in the middle of the living room dancing and a few were leaning on walls or couches looking too cool or on their phones . I was too full to dance so I pondered over to the kitchen and sat on a stool . " What would you like to drink ? " Megan appeared in front of me with antlers on and a tight red dress . " I'm okay I just had soda . " I smiled back trying not to look at the lipstick stuck in her teeth . " You can find REAL drinks right here , help yourself ." She pointed under the breakfast island and then walked away with a bottle of something . I didn't get to stop her in time to tell her about the lipstick , but I'm sure everyone else was way too drunk to tell . She would survive . I pulled out my phone and began to go through my Instagram as if I had something to do . " Are you going to drink all of the drinks too ? " I heard his voice again . I looked up quickly and found him leaning over in front of me . " I'm doing no such thing " I laughed . I had never seen such pretty brown eyes . " what's your name ? " he asked coming around to sit on the stool next to me . I put my phone in my pocket and watched him cross his legs just like mine . " Alex , are you in Chester high ? I haven't seen you around ? " he chuckled and folded his hands on his lap . " I graduated last year I came here with a friend I'm not sure if you know him .. Joshua Dun ? He's a senior ." I shook my head letting my side bangs slip away from behind my ear . " He has pink hair ." He added as if it would help . " No sorry I have no idea . " I pushed my hair back and thought about how cool pink hair would be . I would have to stick to boring brown for a while more . His hair was brown too but it didn't look boring on him . It looked amazing . I blushed and he smiled back . " I can introduce you . He left to pick up some more Mac and cheese bites since you ate them all ." He spun in his chair once until he was facing me again . " In order to introduce me to him you would at least have to introduce yourself first , you never told me your name . " I ignored his comment on my eating habits and rolled my eyes jokingly . " I'm sorry I'm such a dipcrap. " he laughed . " Nice to meet you dipcrap." I giggled extending my hand . " I'm Tyler " he laughed shaking mine softly . I held on for too long . I was beginning to feel nervous . " There you are , I was beginning to think you left me. You didn't answer the phone ." A guy with pink hair and a perfect jawline said walking towards us . I reached for my phone as an exit but Tyler spun towards me . " I was busy with my new fren. This is Alex . Alex this is Josh , and I'm josh's fren ." I looked up from my phone and smiled awkwardly . He smiled too . He had a nose ring and black gauges. They both wore black hoodies and ripped black jeans . Did they mean to match ? Why were they both so pretty , and how had I missed a guy with pink hair in my school ? " Nice to meet you Alex . " I waited awkwardly while they talked for the perfect moment for me to get up and leave but then I heard Tyler say my name . " What ? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention . " They both laughed . " We were about to head back home . I have work tomorrow . Do you need a ride ? " Tyler smiled innocently . He wasn't a guy I would be scared to get into a car with . I would however be an awkward mess so I shook my head .
" Its okay I drove. " I patted my pocket where my keys were and immediately regretted patting the side of my butt. He leaned forward a bit more . " Did you drink anything ? Because I wouldn't want you to drink and drive ." He sounded like a concerned parent . I giggled because I had only been drinking soda the whole time . " I'm okay I promise ." I smiled . He nodded and stood in front of me . " well it was nice to meet you Alex . " he shook my hand again and turned towards Josh with a nod meaning to begin heading out . " Nice to meet you too " I whispered awkwardly down towards my lap . " Oh wait , what's your number ? Maybe we can hang out sometime . " I felt my heart begin to jump out of my chest and I shifted awkwardly to contain it . I gave him my number quickly and then with one last smile walked away . I smiled from ear to ear looking at my phone and when I looked up tall lanky guy was staring at me like I was crazy . Then I realized I should have probably taken down Tyler's number instead that way I could text him first . What if he never texted me ? I sighed and a few minutes later left the party as well .

(Unknown number )

I stared at my phone and decided I should wait a few minutes to respond . That way he wouldn't know how excited I was that he had texted me .

I'm okay . Thanks 😊

I responded saving his number into my contacts .


I shook me head in confusion. Stay alive ? Why wouldn't I ? Little did I know .

Hey idk if anyone will read this but please let me know if you like it or if you feel I should change the style or make it shorter . Anything would help :)

Pink Hair , Red hair , at the end he didn't care . |-/Where stories live. Discover now